
Top Scientist Has Meltdown When Confronted with Absurdity of Men in Women's Sports


There was once a time when scientists were held in high esteem for opening our eyes to the wonder of the world thanks to their new and exciting discoveries.

Unfortunately, those days may be long behind us, and it does not bode well for the reputation of the profession when one of the chief representatives of modern science publicly defends the great delusion of our age.

On Saturday, world-renowned astrophysicist Niel deGrasse Tyson appeared on British comedian Konstantin Kisin’s “TRIGGERnometry” podcast to defend his recent statement that gender exists “on a spectrum.”

When Kisin asked Tyson about the comment, Tyson responded, “If who you decide is male and female in the street is a construct of style and trends, and what the beauty industrial complex wants you to see . . . then maybe some people want to be fluid within that gender.”

Okay, then.

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Right away, it’s a little weird for someone whose profession is based on doing objective research into concrete facts to say that facts are merely a social construct.

Kisin and Tyson then moved on to discuss the pressing issue of men competing in women’s sports.

When Kisin pointed out that the differences between men and women were not just psychological but physical as well, giving them an advantage over women in sports, Tyson pointed out that athletes in several sports were already divided based on weight to even out the competition.

“Then you find ways to slice the population so that whatever the event is interestingly contested,” he said. “So, for example, I wrestled in my life. I was captain of my high school wrestling team. It would be unfair for me at 190 pounds, which is what I was back then, to wrestle someone 120 pounds.”


When Kisin countered that women facing men in sports still have an unfair disadvantage, Tyson responded by comparing those who want to keep separate sports for men and women to people who want to go back to the days of segregation.

“We’re in a transitional period. So we have to figure that out. But the way to figure out things that require solutions to progressive change is not to regress it to how things once were. If that were the case, I would still be drinking from a segregated water fountain,” he said.

Kisin’s co-host responded that people would see it as an unfair playing field, and at this point, Tyson exploded.

“So fix the playing field, d*mn it!” he yelled. “Well, don’t say it’s an unfair playing field so all of a sudden, the big issue is trans women taking the slot of a woman in an unfair playing field. Fix the playing field!

“And you know something? The day you fix that playing field, this conversation will look completely ridiculous. That’s what I’m trying to tell you.”

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Tyson is right, the conversation will one day look ridiculous, but not for the reason he thinks. The reason it will look ridiculous is because it shows a famous scientist denying basic biology to follow the LGBT agenda.

Tyson is a smart man, and much of his scientific work is admirable. At the same time, however, it is really troubling to see a scientist of his stature be unable to articulate the basic scientific fact that there are differences between men and women. Even a five-year-old knows that.

The LGBT agenda is unfortunately very strong, and now it seems to have ensnared very smart people.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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