
Illegal Alien Leaves NYPD Sergeant with Missing Body Part


The invasion at the border is placing everyone in danger. With each new migrant crossing, the safe country we once thought we lived in is inching away. The migrant invasion is also helping to collapse our economy, another aspect of safety Americans once enjoyed.

The nation we loved is under attack. More than that, it’s dying before our very eyes. And so will many of us as the vermin that crawl across the border unload their hate for Americans on us.

It is the same hate that an unsuspecting NYPD sergeant felt when he lost his finger to a migrant who allegedly bit it off while being detained in a holding cell.

According to law enforcement sources by way of Fox News, Lenni Rodriguez-Cruz was leveled with 10 charges against him after crashing into a police squad car following similar behavior to three additional cars along the way.

The incident could have easily been avoided had President Joe Biden actually cared about Americans to protect us from the border invasion.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

The brutality that is flooding across our border and forcing GOP Governor Greg Abbott of Texas to mobilize the National Guard is second to only that which has already infiltrated our federal government and let the former loose.

The Biden administration, the Democrats, and the global elites have architected this travesty. They are allowing it to continue for good reason.

The more we hear about incidents like “the border patrol agent bloodied in an attack by a migrant cartel informer who had the word ‘Rat’ carved into his head” as shared by the New York Post, the closer we get to nationwide panic.

No one believes that illegal migrants like Rodriguez-Cruz are actually asylum seekers fleeing tyrannical governments.


WARNING: The following post contains graphic images that some viewers may find disturbing.

There definitely is a rat in the house. The rat we have to blame for the illegals like this man overwhelming the border occupies the house at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. It is President Joe Biden.

As the influx of immigrants in August reached over 232,000 immigrant encounters, the escalation of border crossings is hardly slowing down.

Another year like this one, and we will see an additional three million migrants living among us. Where exactly are we going to put them?

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

More importantly, the financial burden is unsustainable.

It is the reason that the American people as well as the few true patriots in our government have to stop this invasion at the border.

This is the number one issue in America right now.

Hence, we can not be complicit. We have to fight to defend our border because, let’s face it, the majority of those already here aren’t going back.

The present burden is ours to keep as unfair as that seems.

We as a people, won’t just be missing a finger; we will be missing an entire country and our freedom to boot.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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