
Poll: Overwhelming Majority of Americans Think Nation Is Becoming a Police State – Half Agree There's One 'Dangerous' Culprit


Almost three-quarters of Americans are worried that the United States is devolving into a tyrannical police state that conducts mass surveillance, ideological indoctrination, censorship and the partisan targeting of political opponents, according to a new poll.

The latest survey by Rasmussen Reports found that 72 percent of likely voters are concerned that America is becoming a police state, with 46 percent saying they’re “very concerned.” Only 23 percent say they are not concerned.

In another indication of the public’s growing distrust of the U.S. intelligence community, half the respondents strongly agree that “the FBI is a danger to the freedom and security of law-abiding Americans.”

“Republicans overwhelmingly agreed, with 45 percent answering ‘strongly agree’ and another 23 percent answered ‘somewhat agree,'” according to the National Pulse.

“Democrats felt more strongly that the FBI assists freedom and security, as 36 percent strongly disagreed, and a further 22 percent somewhat disagreed,” the report stated.

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The response to the question, “Which political party is a bigger threat to basic liberties in America: Democrats or Republicans?” was split along party lines.

The Rasmussen poll found that 76 percent of Republicans believe Democrats are the greater threat to civil liberties, while 65 percent of Democrats said Republicans were the bigger threat.

However, more Democrats (26 percent) than Republicans (20 percent) think their own party is the greater threat.

The poll of 998 likely voters was conducted on Sept. 14 and on Sept. 17–18. The margin of error was +/-3 percentage points, with a 95 percent level of confidence.


The survey results mirror the alarming message of Dinesh D’Souza’s forthcoming film, “Police State,” which investigates how the Biden administration has weaponized taxpayer-funded federal agencies to target Americans.

The trailer spotlights how this White House has weaponized the FBI, CIA and the Department of Justice to ruthlessly persecute its political opponents.

“The Patriot Act and FISA were used against Donald Trump,” Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky said in the film, which hits select theaters Oct. 23.

“They don’t go after the people that rigged the election. They go after the people that want to find out what the hell happened,” former President Donald Trump said in the haunting trailer.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

[Please note: The following quotes were taken from the “Police State” website:]

Radio host Dan Bongino, a former Secret Service agent, warned: “The police state isn’t coming, it’s already here. The signs are everywhere. And once you recognize them, your senses will be heightened to the danger we’re all in.”

Filmmaker Nick Searcy said the federal government has become a tyranny marred by corruption and abuse of power.

“The relentless persecution of political opponents by the party in power is a hallmark of totalitarian countries,” he said. “In a police state, the only real crime is daring to question the State. America is now a police state.”

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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