
'40-Year Loyal Democrat' Goes Nuclear on Biden's Party: 'Black Voters Are Waking Up'


For decades, Democrats have taken for granted that black votes belong to them.

Remember President Joe Biden’s “You ain’t black” comment?

With systematic programming, they have convinced the black population that Republicans are racist white supremacists and that their only salvation comes from the Democratic Party.

They build Planned Parenthoods in every black neighborhood and pretend they care about black children.

Instead of raising the standard of education and teaching in inner-city public schools to give black kids a better education and opportunity for well-paying jobs, they focus on teaching children to fear each other on the basis of their skin color, black versus white.

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It seemed as if it would never change.

But this election, things seem a little different.

In the past couple of years, the left has gone so far off the cliff that even “loyal Democrats” are starting to slowly wake up out of the hypnosis.

Somehow, the indictment of Trump in Georgia seems to have struck a chord with black people, who feel they have been unjustly treated by the system.

WARNING: Some of the following posts and videos contain language some readers may find offensive.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

In an interview with Laura Ingraham, Madeline Brame, a National Crime Victims Advocate and self-professed “40-year loyal Democrat (because that’s what we were told black people were supposed to vote),” explained why she left the Democratic Party.

Brame explained that after her son was murdered in 2020, she started to see that the criminal justice system in New York under District Attorney Alvin Bragg did not give her the justice she was seeking.

“Then I [realized], like everyone else, all you have to do is just step out of your front door and you can see the dilapidated housing, the failing schools, the crime, the poverty, the runaway drug use, the abortion, the open air safe injection sites — all of that stuff,” she said.

“You don’t have to go far. When you’re from the hood, all you have to do is step outside your door,” she added.

“But we continue to give our votes away for nothing in return.”


“I have conservative values,” Brame said. “I believe in God, nuclear family, and country — unapologetically. I was raised with those values.”

“But, because I’m black, I was told that that’s what Democrats are supposed to vote,” she said.

When asked if she believed that white supremacy was the biggest threat to America, Brame responded, “Absolutely not.”

“The biggest threat to America right now is that they continue to impose on us and we continue to chase the ghost of slavery past. And they continue with the narrative to keep us enslaved in our minds, with the slavery and oppression and racism,” she said.

“We’ve been marching for sixty damn years to reach the mountaintop,” she said. “And we have not made it yet.”

In her Tuesday monologue, which displayed a chyron reading “Black Voters Are Waking Up To Democrats’ Failures,” Ingraham quoted Reuters, Politico and The Washington Post, all of which ran pieces about the blacks losing faith in the Democrat party.

“In 2020, Trump won eight percent of the black vote,” Ingraham said. “But two and half years later, 20 percent of them are saying they’re supporting Trump now.”

“Could the tide in some small way really be turning?” Ingraham asked.

It would appear so.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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