
Biden Admin Released Illegal Alien Into America, Was Linked to Funding Terrorism in Home Country


Well, here’s a stunner: If you treat the southern border as a sieve, some undesirable elements are going to leak into the country — including an accused terrorist.

According to a media release from Immigration and Customs Enforcement on Wednesday, an unidentified man who was caught and released by Border Patrol agents was arrested Tuesday by ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations Chicago team after authorities discovered he was wanted in his native Venezuela on terrorism charges.

The alleged terrorist was not named in the media release.

“In April 2021, U.S. Border Patrol arrested the man near San Luis, Arizona, after officials determined he entered the United States unlawfully,” the release read.

“They charged him with inadmissibility under U.S. immigration law and issued a notice to appear before an immigration judge with the Justice Department’s Executive Office for Immigration Review.”

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

The man was then released “pending the outcome of a scheduled immigration hearing.”

However, a few months after he illegally immigrated to the U.S. — in August of 2021, to be exact — a Venezuelan court in the city of Valencia issued an arrest warrant for the man based on charges of money laundering, financing of terrorism and other alleged serious legal faux pas.

“ERO Chicago is committed to apprehending those who mistakenly believe they can commit crimes and unlawfully hide from justice here,” ERO Chicago acting Field Office Director LaDeon Francis is quoted as saying in the media release.

“Those who engage in fraud and funding terrorism must be held accountable for their crimes — especially those who have also openly violated our federal immigration laws.”


The media release is unclear on whether the field office director was able to maintain a straight face as he talked about being tough on “those who have also openly violated our federal immigration laws.” I’m therefore going to assume that’s a no.

Now, just to be clear, a charge of terrorism in Venezuela is a relative thing, and such charges are often used to silence opposition to Nicolás Maduro’s socialist government — although rebellion against the regime in Caracas would, one thinks, give one a solid case for asylum in America. It’s unclear whether that was the case in this situation, but it’s worth keeping in mind.

However, the mere fact an illegal immigrant was released into the country and has been free for two years despite the fact he was charged with terrorism — without weighing in on the relative merits of the case or speculating about whether this had to do with opposition to Maduro — is what should induce disquietude in American voters.

It’s hardly surprising that there were some bad eggs in the record influx of illegal immigrants that we’ve seen under President Joe Biden’s administration. Nor is it surprising that bad eggs who were already here benefited from the administration cutting back on Trump-era enforcement measures.

However, the ugliness bears noting: In Montana, just last week, three illegal immigrants were among 18 people arrested in a human trafficking sting potentially linked to a Mexican drug cartel.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

In Minnesota, meanwhile, a Cuban illegal immigrant who was charged with first-degree murder in the beheading of his girlfriend was ruled to be too mentally ill at the time of the alleged crime to understand his actions, even though he was found guilty of second-degree murder in May.

Add this to the fact that 40 percent of the illegal immigrants released on parole by the Department of Homeland Security just as Title 42 was being lifted by the Biden administration never checked in with authorities, effectively disappearing. Or the fact that some migrants seeking asylum were given court dates more than a decade in the future, with some tentatively scheduled to appear in 2035.

Then add all that to the fact that, according to Breitbart, 1.4 million migrants who have crossed the border have been released into the American interior under Biden — a number roughly equivalent to the population of Hawaii and more than the population of nine individual states.

Still want to talk about how vigorously you’re pursuing “those who have also openly violated our federal immigration laws,” LaDeon Francis?

I’m genuinely shocked anyone associated with the Biden administration would even pretend that authorities even distinguish between those who have entered the country illegally and those who followed the laws, much less claim to have taken an active effort to enforce said laws. When a country goes down that path, letting in accused terrorists becomes an inevitability, not a black-swan event.

As we approach the 22nd anniversary of the deadliest terror attack on U.S. soil, perhaps Americans will realize the consequences of letting terrorists with a grudge against the country and the means to carry it out have easy entry via a southern border deliberately left unprotected by a political party desperate to cynically exploit illegal immigrant families for electoral gain.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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