
Mexican Authorities Spot Truck with US Border Patrol Decals, Then Making Shocking Discovery Inside


The treacherous border crisis exacerbated by President Joe Biden’s reckless policies has incentivized predatory human traffickers to victimize illegal aliens desperate to sneak into the United States.

On Saturday, Mexican authorities rescued a group of 17 illegal aliens crammed inside a bogus U.S. Border Patrol truck in sweltering heat on the Mexican side of the border, the San Diego Union-Tribune reported.

On Tuesday, Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens posted a Twitter photo of the white pickup truck that was used by human smugglers to prey on unsuspecting migrants.

The truck was decorated with fake Border Patrol decal stickers to resemble an official U.S. government vehicle.

“DYK [Did you know]: Smugglers ‘clone’ vehicles to resemble law enforcement or business ones,” Owens tweeted.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

“El Centro agents stopped a cloned BP vehicle from entering the U.S. after observing a subject trying to breach the border fence [with] a cutting torch. Mexican officials responded and arrested 17 subjects.”

David Perez Tejada, a delegate of the National Migration Institute in California, told NBC News that human traffickers often imitate U.S. Border Patrol agents to trick desperate migrants.


Tejada said the smugglers likely lied to them by saying, “Hop on, we already have an agreement. This is a U.S. Border Patrol vehicle. With this, they won’t ask you anything before you cross the border.”

Human rights activist Victor Clark Alfaro, a professor at San Diego State University, said the smugglers then exploit and abuse the migrants, sometimes trapping them into human slavery.

“If you are in the hands of smugglers, they can not only rape women, extort migrants and steal their belongings, but even kill them,” Alfaro told NBC News.

In this instance, the group included 13 men and four women who were exposed to scorching temperatures inside the truck they were squeezed into.

A U.S. Border Patrol spokesperson told the San Diego Union-Tribune that “transnational criminal organizations profit by going to great lengths to smuggle people and contraband into the United States.”

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

A similar incident occurred in 2021, when a fake Border Patrol vehicle hauling 10 illegal aliens was apprehended by Homeland Security agents near the Tucson, Arizona, border.

Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin, who has done extensive reporting on Biden’s border crisis, noted how authentic the bogus Border Patrol vehicles can appear.

By now, it is painfully obvious that illegal immigration has metastasized under Biden‘s atrocious “leadership.”

Not only is illegal immigration potentially deadly for migrants, but it endangers the safety of all Americans.

Many migrants who have illegally crossed our porous borders have lengthy criminal records. Yet they’re being allowed by this administration to roam free — maybe in your neighborhood.

A relentless daily barrage of unvetted illegal aliens is accelerating the collapse of the United States by straining public resources and jeopardizing national security.

The fact that Biden won’t even acknowledge this unprecedented emergency underscores once again that the American people are not his top priority.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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