
Climate Radical Greta Thunberg Found Guilty of a Crime - But Then Look What She Did Hours Later


After telling a Swedish court she had far more important things to do than obey the rules, for which she was convicted of being a law-breaker, climate change activist Greta Thunberg went out and broke them again.

“We cannot save the world by playing by the rules,” she said after a court appearance and before she joined in another protest that saw her arrested, according to CBS.

Thunberg was among those arrested after a June 19 protest in the Swedish city of Malmo, according to the Daily Mail. The charge carried the potential of a six-month jail sentence. However, prosecutor Charlotte Ottesen told a Swedish newspaper the punishment is usually a fine.

After Thunberg appeared in court in Malmo on the June charge, she went back to the oil terminal in Malmo where that protest was held and was again arrested for blocking the road there, just as she was in June according to Reuters.

In court, Thunberg was ordered to pay 2,500 Swedish kronor, which amounts to about $240, according to the Associated Press.

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Thunberg also told the court that she does not currently have any income, the prosecutor noted, according to The New York Times.

During her hearing, according to a local Swedish newspaper, Thunberg asked the local police officer involved in her arrest how one person could best slow down the climate crisis.


The officer replied that it was a good question to which he did not have an answer, the local paper reported.

Once she had dispensed with the formalities of court, Thunberg held court with the media.

“Why is it us — who are taking action in line with the science to stop the fossil industry — who face legal consequences, when the fossil industry continues to destroy the chance for people to live safe and worthy lives?” Thunberg, 20, said, according to The New York Times.

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“It is absurd that those who act in line with science should pay the price for it,” she said, according to The Washington Post.

In court, she defended her actions.

“We are in an emergency; due to that my acting was legitimate,” AP quoted her as saying.

Thunberg said her actions were justifiable.

“I believe that we are in an emergency that threatens life, health and property. Countless people and communities are at risk both in the short term and in the long term,” she said.

“It’s correct that I was at that place on that day, and it’s correct that I received an order that I didn’t listen to, but I want to deny the crime,” Thunberg said, according to AFP.

Thunberg was among several members of the group Reclaim the Future who were charged.

“If the court sees our actions of self-defense as a crime, that’s how it is,” Irma Kjellström, a representative of Reclaim the Future, said adding that activists “have to be exactly where the harm is being done,” according to AP.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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