
Biden Supporter Thought Yard Sign Would Deter Angry Protesters, Video Shows How Wrong He Was


The American left has a horrible habit of eating its own.

From matters of free speech to the subject of social justice policy, hard-left sycophants want things their way, and they have little to give in the way of concessions.

Unlike Republicans, who have historically struggled to rally sure support within the wider right-wing coalition, members of the Democratic Party can take comfort in their ability to count on more progressive elements within their movement to whip up support for a cause — or at least, whip voices of dissent into silence.

One unfortunate suburban Democrat seemed to learn that the hard way this week, facing down the feral far-left mob as ballot counting got underway in the 2020 presidential election.

According to a tweet from conservative Canadian reporter Any Ngo, the streets of southeast Portland suffered yet another round of heated protests Tuesday, as Black Lives Matter demonstrators took to the streets once again, terrorizing local residents at their doors.

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Video of the night’s events revealed not even moderate, milquetoast Democrats avoided unearned ire, with one local resident, in particular, knocked and name-called for asking that his residence be left unharmed.

“There’s my Biden sign!” the man shouted from his front porch, seemingly attempting to make common cause with the protesters. “Don’t destroy anything! Be peaceful!”

WARNING: The following video contains profane language that some readers may find offensive. Reader discretion is advised. 

Of course, that’s a lot to ask of the decentralized organization responsible for razing each and every one of America’s most famous metropolitan centers this last few months — and the simple act of asking such a thing is enough to earn the label of “white supremacist,” as the resident would come to find out.

“No one cares about your white-ass opinion!” one woman could be heard yelling back from the crowd. “Who do you think you are telling black people how to protest? You f***ing white-ass privilege old man!”

“Asking for people to be peaceful is white supremacy!” another protester shouted.

You see, “riots are the language of the unheard.” At least, that’s the poorly contextualized Martin Luther King, Jr. quote left-wing anarchists want you to bear in mind as they set the system ablaze.

To think anything else of the violent demonstrations this nation has been witness to in 2020 would supposedly be an attempt to silence the last hope people of color have of being heard by those in control of our political and legal institutions.

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For the “privileged,” silence is violence — and for the “marginalized,” violence is speech.

These are just two of the modern American left’s most popular maxims.

Those who disagree have two options. As one of the protesters made clear to the unnamed Portland resident, you can “go the f*** home” or get onboard.


A concerning premise, no doubt. And Americans with half a lick of intelligence left to their name ought to know that the better option would be to take their toys and go home.

Judging from the Democrat-leaning results of the 2020 presidential election, however, it’s easy to see that isn’t what happened … because Democrats like this still haven’t figured out that barbarians make bad bedfellows.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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