
Illegal Alien Accused of Kidnapping Attempt - Guess What Was Protecting Him from Deportation?


Democrats’ warped fetishization of illegal immigration is undermining public safety and endangering American lives.

In another chilling incident underscoring why the United States cannot remain a dumping ground for unvetted illegal aliens, a Honduran man was arrested in Fairfax County, Virginia, for allegedly trying to kidnap a sleeping 4-year-old girl from her home.

The attempted kidnapping occurred around 4 a.m. on June 15, when police say 24-year-old Hyrum Baquedano Rodriguez broke into a private residence and tried to take the young child.

“The mother was awoken to the sound of window blinds shaking and the sound of her daughter crying,” the Fairfax County Police Department said in a statement Friday. “She discovered the window in the living room was open and child on the floor.

“The child immediately told her mother someone had grabbed her. Officers immediately searched the area but did not locate the suspect.”

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

Baquedano Rodriguez was later arrested after fingerprints from the girl’s bedroom placed him at the crime scene, according to police. He has been charged with burglary and attempted kidnapping.

The most infuriating aspect of this case is that it likely could have been prevented if law enforcement officials in Fairfax County — a “sanctuary county” that shields illegal migrants — had not ignored multiple U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainers.

By issuing a detainer, ICE requests that local law enforcement notify the agency before releasing an illegal alien from custody.


Baquedano Rodriguez, who has been in the country illegally since 2018, had at least four ICE detainers placed on him during the past two years: In November 2021, July 2022, November 2022 and February 2023, WTTG-TV in Washington reported Monday.

ICE authorities said Fairfax County officials ignored the detainers and released Baquedano-Rodriguez on each occasion without notifying them.

A fifth detainer was placed on the suspect this week stemming from the attempted kidnapping.

Immigration attorney Renata Castro told WTTG that local and federal officials must be more responsible in enforcing ICE detainers.

“It is very important that we make sure that we’re keeping our local law enforcement and federal law enforcement accountable for the lack of oversight on detainers,” she said.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

Meanwhile, the victim’s mother said both she and her daughter remain traumatized by the harrowing incident.

“I’m traumatized, to be quite honest with you. She is 4 years old,” the mom told WTTG.

“It’s not that she’s not comfortable, but you can tell there are signs of trauma that’s left behind from this, and I’m going to have to get her some type of counseling, as well as myself.”

By now, it is undeniable that there’s a festering border crisis metastasizing under Joe Biden’s dumpster-fire presidency. Many migrants who have illegally crossed our porous borders have lengthy criminal records.

Some — such as the illegal alien who killed California resident Kate Steinle in 2015 — were deported numerous times, only to sneak back into the United States again, thanks to lax border security.

As a reminder, Jose Inez Garcia Zarate, was a seven-time convicted felon who had been deported five times before he killed the 32-year-old Steinle.

How many more Americans must be murdered before politicians do something about the illegal immigration catastrophe?

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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