
Pecan Farmers Find Feces in Fields, Report Devastating Truth About What's Happening at Southern Border


Pecan farmers in Texas’ El Paso Valley never know what they might find in their fields.

Just The News, a Washington, D.C.-based news outlet, reported that farmers near the southern border are making unpleasant discoveries on their property.

According to one resident, illegal immigrants passing through the area are “defecating in the fields, leaving their passports on the ground, all night long, it’s like that.”

Others have found drugs buried or left in abandoned vehicles.

Jennifer Ivey, a local Republican official and pecan farmer’s wife, credited former President Donald Trump and the Bill of Rights with whatever peace of mind she maintains.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

“The only reason I sleep at night is the Trump wall and the Second Amendment,” Ivey said.

Without Trump’s wall, the situation in El Paso County would be far worse than it now is.

The report from Just The News contains one sentence that encapsulates the entire problem “[Trump’s] wall was built to replace a 2009-era steel fence built after Congress passed the 2006 Secure Fence Act, which received significant Democratic support.”

The current border crisis stems from the Democratic Party’s about-face on illegal immigration.


Not long ago, prominent Democrats still acted as if they believed in border security. In 2006, Democrat Senators Chuck Schumer and Hillary Clinton, both of New York, voted for the Secure Fence Act.

That vote occurred, however, at a moment of transition.

For decades, Democrats had positioned themselves as the party of the working class. Voters often saw through the charade, but Democrat politicians at least kept up the pretense.

Orderly immigration serves the economic interests of native workers, so Democrats supported secure borders.

Meanwhile, in the academia of the late-twentieth and early-twenty-first centuries, Democrats’ hegemony manifested in the “Holy Trinity” of race, class, and gender.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

That “Trinity” appeared in every job announcement and every fresh journal article. In the minds of academics, everything somehow related to race, class, and gender.

Then suddenly class began to vanish, and the academic “Trinity” was reduced to the twin pillars of race and gender. This was, in many respects, the birth of woke madness.

Academics’ abandonment of class as an obligatory category of study mirrored the Democratic Party’s abandonment of the working class in general. The same phenomenon occurred throughout the culture.

The Democratic Party openly embraced elitism and identity politics.

Trump’s working-class MAGA movement was the result.

In short, Texas pecan farmers are not finding feces on their property because the Biden administration has failed to secure the southern border. The Biden administration has no intention of securing the southern border.

Texas pecan farmers are finding feces — and drugs, and Heaven knows what else — because the Democratic Party abandoned the working class a long time ago.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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