
Starbucks Gets Bad News After Jury Finds Manager Was Fired for Being White


Global coffee giant Starbucks was slapped with some bad news on Monday as a New Jersey federal jury ordered the company to pony up a whopping $25.6 million to a former regional manager.

The jury deemed that Starbucks violated the manager’s civil rights when it fired her after a highly publicized 2018 incident.

The specific civil rights violation? Shannon Phillips, who is white, was unjustly fired because of the color of her skin.

So how did Starbucks end up owing such a significant sum of money to Phillips?

As The New York Times noted, a seeming misunderstanding blew up into a cultural battle in April 2018 when two black men entered a Philadelphia Starbucks.

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One of the men asked to use the restroom, but since neither of them had ordered anything, he was denied.

A confrontation ensued that ended with the two men being arrested and escorted off the premises.

The ugly incident blew up, with every leftist and his “birthing person” slamming Starbucks as racist.


Instead of scoffing at those idiotic claims, the leftist coffee chain buckled and actually groveled for forgiveness.

Posting a pathetic letter on social media and on its website, the company profusely apologized for the incident. According to the Times, Starbucks even temporarily closed 8,000 stores to “teach workers about racial bias.”

When one obnoxious Twitter user demanded more blood, Starbucks basically confirmed that Phillips had been let go.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

(It should also be noted that Donte Robinson and Rashon Nelson, the two black men at the center of this controversy, also received confidential financial settlements with the city of Philadelphia.)

To recap: A white woman (who wasn’t even at the specific location at the time of the incident; in fact, the manager on duty was black) was fired because cops were called on two black men who were loitering.

Naturally, this case calls to mind the recent racially charged controversy surrounding the death of Jordan Neely after he was subdued by a Marine Corps veteran on a New York subway.

Daniel Penny, the former Marine, is in a world of potential trouble for little more than prioritizing safety while being white.

That’s not a crime, no matter how much shrill leftists want to scream about it.

This has always been the direction that the left has been pushing America — racial animus is their bread and butter, after all.

But now it appears that those leftists who think racism is a one-way street are learning — in a rather public, costly and humiliating fashion — that, legally speaking, racism is very much a two-way street.

It’s not so fun when the rabbit’s got the gun, is it?

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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