
Conservative Congressman Sends Trump Supporters Headed to Miami an Ominous Warning: 'Don't Fall for the Trap'


Congressman Clay Higgins of Louisiana issued a statement on Sunday warning Trump supporters headed to Miami against “falling for the trap the DOJ/FBI has set.”

In the statement, Higgins said that the recent persecution of President Trump by the DOJ is more than just the weaponization of our DOJ and FBI against a conservative American leader; it is “an example of the now SOP entrapment-staging that the FBI conducts.”

“My fellow conservatives, the DOJ/FBI doesn’t expect to imprison Trump, they expect to imprison you,” Higgins wrote. “They want J6 again.”

Higgins warned conservatives that the DOJ and FBI were hoping to provoke them and that reacting to this perimeter probe would set them up for targeted persecution and further entrapment.

“They’re doing this because they want you to let your anger overwhelm your strategic judgment, and they expect you to step willingly into their trap. Don’t do it,” he cautioned.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

“Don’t fall for the trap,” he wrote. “Maintain your family. Live your life. Live free and pay close attention and make your voice heard, yes … but don’t become an incarcerated pawn in the agenda driven DOJ/FBI strategy to oppress conservatives across America.”

Higgins’ warning is a good one.

Jan. 6 was the “well, what about …” moment the Democrats had been waiting for for a long time, a response they could now throw in conservatives’ faces every time they were confronted with the violence that is so much a part of their side of the aisle.

Since that fateful day at the Capitol, every time there are riots in the street, every time a church is firebombed, every time stores are looted and cities destroyed or children shot in cold blood in the streets of Democratic cities, they turn around and say, “Well, what about Jan. 6?”

WARNING: This video contains graphic content that may be disturbing to some viewers

The Democrats have turned Jan. 6 into a bludgeon, destroying lives and branding the words “domestic terrorist” into the foreheads of innocent Americans protesting or standing up for their children at school board meetings.

More than 950 people were charged as a result of Jan. 6, with more than 3,860 counts of criminal activity brought against 934 defendants through December 2022, per USA Today.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

People lost their jobs just for being there.

Higgins is right to call for peace because trap or not, it is undeniable that the provably biased FBI and DOJ would relish the opportunity to add more “well what about” questions to their worn-out Jan. 6 mantra.

But, “what about” questions go both ways.


By indicting President Trump, the Democrats have opened a floodgate into investigations on presidents and their families that they will not be able to shut.

From the Russia collusion hoax to the sham impeachment trials to the raid on his Mar-a-Lago home, despite Biden having boxes of classified documents in his Delaware home from his tenure as vice president, to the new $5 million Biden bribe bombshell, the glaring misconduct of the FBI and DOJ has been on full display.

A new Rasmussen poll shows that 60 percent of “Likely U.S. Voters” believe it is likely that top officials at the FBI have helped cover-up wrongdoing by Biden or his family members, including 48 percent who think it’s Very Likely”

Already President Trump has promised that he will appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the corrupt Biden family if he becomes president.

The “seal” is broken.

Martin Luther King Jr once said, “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”

Watching the perversions of justice around us may seem unbearable right now, but as Higgins said in his statement, “They want you to let your anger overwhelm your strategic judgment.”

“Don’t do it. Be aware and be prepared for anything, know your bridges as we say … but maintain your calm.”

“Rock steady calm.”

“We are indeed, with every ounce of spirit, fighting against the insidious evil that threatens our beloved Republic, but We the People must fight against oppression legally, peacefully, and within the parameters of our Constitution.”

It is the conservative way.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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