
Biden's Embarrassing Mistake Has People Editing Him Into a Literal Jester


Well, here’s something you don’t see every day: President Joe Biden managed to make a mistake and be completely accurate on accident.

As you well know, it’s “pride” month. Corporate logos go rainbow all month — unless customers start making a stink, then they get quietly reverted. Money is donated to LGBT-centric organizations. Media releases are full of stilted, meaningless jargon involving sexuality, gender, equality, equity, inclusion, safe spaces, values, etc., are churned out like ChatGPT was working overtime writing them.

And naturally, our somewhat-glitchier president — who is indeed artificial, but lacking the intelligence — got in on the action, holding a pride celebration on the South Lawn of the White House on Saturday.

“We’re gathered here today to honor the extraordinary — and I’m not being solicitous — the extraordinary courage and contributions of the LGBTQ community, to celebrate their legacy and their progress,” Biden said, according to the White House transcript.

“And we welcome to the largest pride month celebration ever held at the White House. But just the beginning.”

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They say pride cometh before the fall. But this is the White House, so pride cometh before the gaffe. (The fall came during the president’s appearance at the U.S. Air Force Academy’s commencement ceremony, remember?)

“As commander-in-chief, I was proud to have ended the ban on transjester Americans — transgender Americans serving in the United States military,” Biden said.

“I signed historic executive orders strengthening civil rights protections for –” Biden continued, before being distracted by something. “He’s running from me; I don’t know where he is going,” the president said. “Do that again, man. You’re a sprinter. I can — you can — I don’t know if he’s running to something or from something. I don’t know.”

It’s unclear what that was all about, but apparently “pride” month is very important and urgent until the president sees a squirrel or something. Maybe a chipmunk. Further bulletins as events warrant.

It’s worth noting that the White House’s official transcript spelled the president’s gaffe as “transgester.” Social media users weren’t so kind, but somewhat more accurate:

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

Not only that, they gave him attire to match:

So, is “transjester” a new pronoun? Will Biden put it on his social media profiles? “POTUS (transjester/gaffe-prone).” This is why the whole world is laughing at our leader.

[firefly_poll] It’s funny, of course, because there’s more than a kernel of truth in the error. Just like every corporation’s clumsy attempt to pay fealty to the idea that anyone’s gender is what they say it is, the White House has made a fool of itself in June — and before this, for that matter.

Consider, after all, that Biden’s Air Force celebrated “pride” month with a graphic showing a service member saluting not the American flag but the LGBT pride standard:

And then we have drag shows on military bases, drag “digital ambassadors” trying to recruit people into the Navy, and a ship named after slain gay rights leader Harvey Milk, who was discharged from the service because, at that time, homosexuality was against military regulations, among other performative sops to the LGBT community the White House has thrown via the military alone.

No matter what you think about gays in the military, naming ships after sailors who received “other than honorable” discharges because they broke the rules as they were when they enlisted under their own volition — yes, Milk wasn’t drafted and he wasn’t trying to pull a Corporal Klinger here — isn’t exactly setting a great precedent for the chain of command or respect for authority. But it’s setting a great example for the rainbow hued keyboard warriors who don’t care about military readiness or the long-term effects of puberty blockers or anything that contradicts their worldview.

To all those transjesters, the White House salutes you, if only accidentally. This is your month. Unless, of course, swing-state voters start noticing, then this is all going to turn down significantly. After all, you don’t want Joe Biden joining that Bud Light VP behind the Mulvaney campaign on the unemployment lines, now, do you?

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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