
'Clueless' Star Breaks Party Lines, Makes Surprising Endorsement for President in 2024


“Clueless” actress Alicia Silverstone has announced she is supporting Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s presidential bid to unseat President Joe Biden in the 2024 Democratic primary.

The Hollywood star said in a post on social media that she had broken up with the fragmented Democratic Party.

Apparently, the 46-year-old has a clue after all.

Silverstone took to her Instagram page on Wednesday to share a campaign video for Kennedy. She also expressed frustration with the political process from the perspective of a former Democrat.

“Last year, I canceled my Democratic Party registration and registered as an Independent voter,” Silverstone said. “Like many others, I am deeply disappointed with political leadership at every turn.”

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She went on to accuse public servants of using “division” and “lies” to profit at the expense of public health.

The actress did not name any person or party in particular. But, she was crystal clear about who she intends to support in the primary.

“But [Kennedy] gives me hope,” she said. “This man gets me excited about the potential for truth and justice. He provides hope for young and old to trust our government once again. RFK Jr. is a person we can be inspired and be proud to call President.”

Silverstone categorized Kennedy as a “true leader” who “loves our country.”

“He fights for all mothers and children. He fights for our planet, fairness, and freedom. He is someone who can unify the divide in this country. He is a walking history book; a passionate loving human with no tolerance for corruption or bullying,” she said.

Silverstone concluded Democrats who are fed up with business as usual in Washington must support Kennedy.

“If you have felt disenfranchised by our government like me, I highly recommend you listening to Bobby speak,” she said. “I’ve worked alongside Bobby for children’s health and our environment for 15 plus years. I love me some Bobby!! He is just incredible. If you want more information, go to to learn more about this incredible leader.”

The actress concluded the post with the tag “#Kennedy24.”

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Kennedy responded, “Thank you!”

Silverstone is not the only Democrat or former Democrat who is openly smitten with Kennedy’s candidacy.

The son of former Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and nephew of former President John F. Kennedy is polling at around 20 percent among Democrats.


His campaign has room to grow, as only 60 percent of the party’s voters currently support President Joe Biden’s re-election bid, according to a CNN poll released late last month.

While Biden has a major advantage both as an incumbent and in the numbers, Kennedy’s candidacy is proof that there are many Democrats who do not want four more years of Biden’s divisive and inept leadership.

At least one Hollywood star has become so disenfranchised that she is now out publicly campaigning against him.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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