
Disney Learned Nothing from Target, Pushes 'Pride' Items for Babies Younger Than 3 Months


They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

If that is true, then the executives in charge of most major corporations in America are some of the most insane people on the face of the planet. Either that, or they simply care more about pushing leftist ideology than running a competent business.

You would think that given the boycotts of major brands due to their total embrace of the LGBT agenda, other companies would think twice before engaging in the same practices.

But despite the backlash against companies like Bud Light and Target, and their massive drop in revenue, many corporations are still quick to jump on the woke bandwagon.

The latest company to do so is a familiar foe for conservatives — Disney.

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Following Target’s promotion of LGBT clothing aimed at children, Disney has decided to follow the same path.

As part of its “pride” collection, Disney is selling LGBT-themed onesies for infants 0 to 3 months old. They feature Mickey Mouse with the word “love” written in rainbow colors above him.


In addition, Disney is offering LGBT-themed Star Wars T-shirts for children and plush toys of Mickey Mouse holding a rainbow flag.

The message is clear: Just like Target, Disney wants to indoctrinate your children in far-left ideology.

To anyone who has been following Disney the past few years, this should hardly come as a surprise, as the company never seems to miss an opportunity to promote the LGBT agenda.

Indeed, the entertainment giant is on a mission to include more LGBT themes and characters in its films and TV shows for kids.

In addition, Disney opposed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ prohibition on the teaching of radical gender ideology to young children in public schools, a stance that has embroiled the company in a bitter feud with the conservative governor.

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But while we have come to expect these sorts of shenanigans from Disney, LGBT-themed merchandise aimed at babies may be a step too far for some people.

This is the exact same thing that led to boycotts of Target, and while the retailer will probably be able to absorb the financial blow it is taking, the loss in revenue it has suffered is nothing to shrug off.

Has Disney really learned nothing from Bud Light, Target, or even its own past mistakes, for that matter?

These woke executives never seem to learn.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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