
Trump Extends Huge Invitation to Children's Choir Stopped by Capitol Police for Singing National Anthem


A children’s choir that was interrupted by Capitol Police when singing the national anthem in the U.S. Capitol  last month will get a chance to offer their rendition to a much bigger crowd: namely, the crowd at one of Donald Trump’s upcoming rallies.

In a video released to social media on Tuesday, Trump said he was inviting the Rushingbrook Children’s Choir of Greenville, South Carolina, to sing “The Star-Spangled Banner” at one of his rallies in the Palmetto State.

The choir made news after footage of the group being interrupted by Capitol Police went viral earlier in the month.

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According to the Daily Signal, the Capitol Police denied that they stopped the May 26 performance because it might offend someone, instead saying that “[d]emonstrations and musical performances are not allowed in the U.S. Capitol.

“Of course, because the singers in this situation were children, our officers were reasonable and allowed the children to finish their beautiful rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner,” the Capitol Police claimed in its statement.

“The Congressional staff member who was accompanying the group knew the rules, yet lied to the officers multiple times about having permission from various offices. The staffer put both the choir and our officers, who were simply doing their jobs, in an awkward and embarrassing position.”

Micah Rea, founder of the children’s choir, called the statement “a bald-faced lie” and said three representatives — Reps. William Timmons and Joe Wilson of South Carolina and House Speaker Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California — had provided them with documents allowing the choir to perform.

Furthermore, the video clearly showed that — unlike the Capitol Police’s statement claims — the rendition of “The Star-Spangled Banner” was interrupted.

Whatever the case, they’ll get a chance to complete it in front of a much larger audience — with the former president as the guest (and campaigner) of honor.

“I just wanted to say hello and pay my respects to a very talented group of people, the Rushingbrook Children’s Choir,” Trump said in the video, released Tuesday.

“I heard about what happened at the Capitol, and that’s a shame, it’s really a serious thing to have an event like that — such a beautiful time in your lives … to be interrupted in such a way.”

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Trump went on to say that “we are going to have you in South Carolina, and you’re going to sing at a rally for us in front of tens of thousands of people.

“And we’re all going to have a great time together; we love our country, we’re going to take care of our country, and we’re going to pay respect to those people that love it.”

“Thank you for loving America,” he added.

Needless to say, this got rave reviews on social media:

Not only is it a cool gesture, let’s face it: It’s a canny move for an early primary state that might pose a problem for Trump.

Two of his declared competitors for the nomination — former governor and U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley and Sen. Tim Scott — are both from South Carolina.

[firefly_poll] While Haley’s campaign has struggled to get traction — arguably getting its biggest publicity boost when the former governor managed to get Don Lemon sentenced to sensitivity training for comments about her age — Scott has begun to slowly and steadily build both his media presence and his campaign war-chest.

Given the recent stumbles of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, thought to be the shoo-in for the top Trump challenger, Scott has looked more plausibly like a serious candidate. Thus, having a South Carolina-based choir that got interrupted while performing in the Capitol to sing the national anthem at an event in his home state is an excellent way to score points with South Carolinians.

And this time, there’s going to be no one around to stop them on the grounds that they were offended.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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