
Gay Atheist Hears One 'Very Famous Biblical Truth' That Opens His Eyes to the Rest of the Gospel


In the video below, best-selling Christian author Ray Comfort shared his faith in Jesus with a gay atheist who, in the course of the conversation, becomes open to the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Comfort shared Ephesians 2:8-9 before speaking with the man: “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.”

The context of the interview is that Comfort asked different people about the coronation of King Charles, but Comfort quickly pivoted from the coronation of England’s king to what it means to know Jesus.

A CBN article stated, “As both monarch and head of the Church of England, Charles has promised to be the kingdom’s ‘Defender of the Faith.'”

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Comfort told the man, King Charles must now defend a “very famous Biblical truth and that is that everlasting life is a free gift of God.”

When the man told Comfort that he has never heard that everlasting life is free, Comfort stated, “God has placed eternity on his heart.”

According to Comfort, God has placed eternity on the heart of every man and woman because all men are created in the image of God.

At the same time, many people live their lives without truly contemplating what eternity means unless someone, a follower of Christ, talks to them about it. That is exactly what Comfort does in this video.


The man revealed the fact that he does not believe in God, but Comfort quickly and easily described the logic behind belief in God. He described atheism as “someone who believes the scientific impossibility that nothing made everything.”

He then makes a statement, that revealed why atheism is such a prevalent belief system in our world even though it does not make logical or scientific sense.

“The reason atheism is such an attractive thing to us is because it gets rid of moral accountability.”

The man, when pressed by Comfort on whether or not he is a “morally good person,” said something that many people in the world also believe.

“I didn’t really think about the consequences of these things to be honest with you,” the man stated.

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A homosexual and professing atheist, when presented with the idea of moral accountability, the logic of believing in God, and the free gift of salvation, became open to the message of the Gospel.

It is not revealed, within the video, whether or not the man became a Christian, but what is clear is that there is a new openness to the love of Jesus that was not there before.

Comfort did not use tricks, big words, or a big education to convince the man that the Gospel could be true. He simply shared the love of God and let the Gospel do the rest of the work.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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