
Watch: Staffer Tries to Halt Disastrous Biden Interview Right After 'Soul of America' Is Mentioned


President Biden’s cognitive decline is daily becoming more and more evident, and it is becoming impossible even for leftist news outlets to hide it.

On Friday, Biden sat down for an exclusive interview with MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle, his first interview since he announced his bid for re-election in the 2024 presidential race.

About 12 minutes into the 13-minute interview, Ruhle asked the president about restoring the “soul of America,” but Biden seemed to not fully understand or pay attention to the question, instead briefly playing with a throat lozenge in his hand.

At this point, a White House staffer interjected and tried to halt the interview, maybe noticing that Biden appeared to be struggling to remain alert, but Biden quickly shooed him away and continued with the interview.

This already looked bad enough, but what happened next only made the situation worse.

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Biden seemed to be attempting to say that Democrats had to prevent Donald Trump from being returned to the presidency in 2024, but he tripped over his words, and it seemed as if he almost said that we cannot let “Obama” return to office.

Biden stopped himself before saying that, realizing his mistake, but continued and was seemingly unable to remember Trump’s name, merely referring to him as “the same man who was president four years ago.”


This whole scene is rather alarming because it shows just how far his cognitive decline has progressed. Not only can he not remain attentive during an important interview, but he seems unable to give an intelligible answer to a question or remember basic facts about the state of the country.

Donald Trump is Biden’s immediate predecessor and only left office a little over two years ago. Not only that, but as the current front-runner for the Republican nomination, he is Biden’s main challenger for the presidency next year, so the fact that Biden cannot remember his name is truly disturbing.

Also, the interview that aired was only 13 minutes long, but it is likely that there was more that they cut out. Given that this is MSNBC, they probably did this to make Biden look good.

But that brings up the question: If this was left in, then what concerning footage was left out?

The fact of the matter is, it is becoming increasingly impossible for the left to hide Biden’s mental decline, as the American public can see clear as day that there is something truly wrong with him.

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MSNBC is a leftist news outlet, and if anyone has the skills to make someone like Joe Biden look good in the eyes of the people, it is them.

But they were unable to do that, and they were forced to leave this rather embarrassing moment in the final cut of the interview, meaning that millions of Americans saw it.

When MSNBC is unable to hide Biden’s cognitive decline, that’s how you know it’s more serious than what they’re letting on.

With Biden now running for re-election in 2024, we need to ask ourselves what damage will be done if Biden’s cognitive abilities only worsen during his second term.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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