
'I Think It's a Right for People To Have Badakathcare:' Biden Slurs His Way Through Another Line


Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden suffered another stunning verbal misstep over the weekend during a stop in Michigan.

But rather than simply gaffe up a statement, or make another false claim, the soon-to-be 78-year-old appeared to struggle to find the right word, so he made one up.

Biden was appearing with former President Barack Obama in a last-minute appeal to Michiganders who might be considering voting to re-elect President Donald Trump in the Democrat stronghold of Flint.

In an attempt to strike fear into the hearts of voters, Biden repeated his campaign’s claim that Trump will leave millions of Americans without health insurance, and that Trump apparently is willing to cast those with pre-existing health conditions into Lake Michigan.

“We’re also going to act to protect health care. Trump and the Republicans just jammed through a Supreme Court nominee for one overwhelming reason, as Barack said, the president said, ‘They have been trying with over 50 shots to take out Obamacare, to destroy the Affordable Care Act,’” Biden said, according to Fox News.

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But, as we’ve seen throughout the lasts several months, Biden often struggles with syntax.

The tongue-tied Democrat bellowed out, “Donald Trump thinks health care is a privilege, Barack and I think it’s a right to have badakathcare.”

Biden’s brain slip immediately sparked a debate online about what badakathcare might mean, and how it might affect the lives of voters, should Biden win the election.

If you look back, though, Biden created a new word during a speech late last week in Pennsylvania, blurting out something that sounded a lot like: “truaninonashufodopressure.”

The mainstream media ignored it, but Twitter users didn’t:

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Biden’s latest brain freeze drew wide mockery on social media.

Biden is suffering brain malfunctions at an alarming rate as polls are, according to the establishment media, tightening.


Conservatives have long distrusted most major polls, and we’ve been the most vocal with regard to demanding answers about why candidate Biden seems to be malfunctioning.

Numerous high-profile former Biden confidantes and others have connected Biden’s penchant for misspeaking to a  decline in the candidate’s cognitive abilities — a worrisome development for a man running for the most powerful position in the world.

There’s certainly no pleasure taken from pointing out the shortcomings of a man who is obviously in some sort of trouble, but something is awry here with a candidate who might very well be elected president this week.

If nothing else, Biden has entered his golden years, and it appears he’s not up to the rigors of campaigning.

Losing one’s energy and vigor is a natural part of life for a great many seniors, and there’s certainly nothing shameful about that.

Men in such a position generally spend time with family or enjoy a nice retirement, they don’t run for president.

Trump, meanwhile, is 74 and is keeping a campaign schedule that probably would have tired out then-43-year-old John F. Kennedy in the 1960 race.

Guess which candidate the media wants us to focus on:

Biden has been pushed on us by the Democratic Party’s establishment, Hollywood and the corrupt media, and despite a purported polling lead, he continues to scream, rant, lie and add words to the English language in battleground states the media says he’s already going to win anyway.

The buried lede here, though, is not that Biden invented another word during an episode of ill-temperament or lapsed cognition.

The real question, and the real story, is why was Biden even in Michigan on Saturday?

That question is valid for a multitude of reasons.

Never mind our rights to badakathcare.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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