Hillary Clinton Gets Brutally Roasted After Posting Old Family Photo in Support of Disney
If there was ever a question of whether Hillary Clinton should have been elected president in 2016, she just answered it herself.
The woman who’s managed to hold the posts of first lady, United State senator and U.S. secretary of state without once bringing honor to either herself or her country — and usually the opposite — decided to plunge into the ongoing dispute between the state of Florida and the Walt Disney Company.
And promptly paid the price.
In a Twitter post published Tuesday, Clinton announced that her sympathies were entirely with the soulless megacorporation over the elected officials of an American state and the people they represent.
She didn’t cast it that, way, of course.
“As Republicans declare ware on Disney, I know whose side I’m on,” Clinton wrote over a decades-old photo of herself, husband, Bill, and daughter, Chelsea, posing with a Donald Duck character.
As Republicans declare war on Disney, I know whose side I’m on… pic.twitter.com/THiLKOzo8v
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) April 18, 2023
What did she think was going to happen? Maybe that millions of progressives would flock to her call for supporting corporate interests over American voters? Maybe that there’s a groundswell of Hillary backers just itching to get publicly on the side of a company that’s basically trying to establish a fiefdom in the middle of one of the country’s most populated and important states?
Maybe. But what she got was the kind of massive rejection she actually deserved to have gotten from the voters in the razor-tight 2016 presidential race.
This time, the result was a landslide — of mockery and derision on social media.
Some responses hit at Bill Clinton’s notoriety when it comes to sexual behavior (the man who was publicly exposed for a sexual relationship with a young woman while in the White House has never been repudiated by his allegedly “me too” party).
His well-documented relationship with the now-deceased sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein came up, too.
I bet Bill loved all those little Princesses… #EpsteinClientList
— Scott Coleman (@bandphan) April 18, 2023
Some focused on Hillary herself — a woman with a reputation for threatening treatment of women who accused her husband, like Juanita Broaddrick. Hillary has also been remarkably callous about those who died at a U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, in 2012, while she was head of the State Department.
“Cruella got in free,” wrote one user, in apparent reference to Hillay and the “One Hundred and One Dalmations” villainess Cruella De Vil.
Cruella got in free
— Bill Speros (@billsperos) April 19, 2023
Think of all the Disney movies you could watch in 13 hours!
— Rare (@Rare) April 18, 2023
And some appeared to focus on the trail of terror Hillary and Bill have left behind in a lifetime of national politics — and an impressive trail of victims of accidents and “suicides,” like Epstein’s in 2019. (Of course, it’s all just coincidental.)
“Donald Duck looks scared to death,” one user wrote.
Donald Duck looks scared to death.
— Tarah Price (@tarahtalk) April 18, 2023
Others pointed out the anachronism of comparing the Disney of today with the company when the Clintons were a young, political couple just getting started.
The paper Bill is holding refers to Donald Duck’s “fifty years in show business” which, given Donald Duck premiered in 1934 would make it 1984. That would jive with what Hillary and Chelsea said in September while discussing the same picture during an appearance on the syndicated “Kelly Clarkson Show.” They placed the now 43-year-old Chelsea Clinton as being about 4 at the time the picture was taken.
(On “The Kelly Clarkson Show,” the Clintons simply gave the location as “Disney,” but it was unclear whether that meant Disneyland in Anaheim, California, or Disney World in Orlando, Florida. The content of Clinton’s tweet makes Florida the better candidate.)
No American needs to be told that the world, and the Disney company, have changed considerably since 1984.
For instance, with Ronald Reagan in the White House back then and heading toward a landslide re-election win in November, Democratic leaders had to at least pretend to love their country. Also, no sane person had a problem answering the question “what is a woman?” (Of course, no honest, sane person has a problem answering it now.)
And no one would have thought a national debate over whether school teachers should be talking about their sex lives with 6-year-olds was even in the cards. But it was Florida’s law last year putting an end to that — and similarly inappropriate classroom discussion — that sparked the current “war” between Disney and Gov. Ron DeSantis and the Florida legislature — a war that Disney started, not DeSantis.
Or, as former Arizona Republican congressional candidate Josh Barnett put it:
“[W]e all used to love Disney til they started trying to sexualize our children!! Force-feeding LBGTQ nonsense on them as well. IDC what grown adults do or what they think they are but stay away from our kids! Gay or Straight, Sexualization of any kind should never happen!”
we all used to love Disney til they started trying to sexualize our children!! Force-feeding LBGTQ nonsense on them as well. IDC what grown adults do or what they think they are but stay away from our kids! Gay or Straight, Sexualization of any kind should never happen!
— Josh “Common Sense” Barnett-former AZ-01 Candidate (@BarnettforAZ) April 18, 2023
But for a political animal like Hillary Clinton, the moral stakes in any fight are not nearly as important as the political sides involved. And one of the political sides in this case is Ron DeSantis, a rising Republican star and very possible presidential contender.
That’s enough to make Hillary side with anyone. But in this case, she’s siding with a company that’s backing her political party’s stance on sexualizing children as young as possible — even to the point of mutilating healthy organs in the cause of “trans” liberation.
A woman who does might deserve a place of honor among Democratic politicians, but she doesn’t and didn’t deserve election to the presidency. Her political party doesn’t deserve to hold an ounce of power outside the blue states where voters are deranged or brainwashed enough to keep electing them.
And with luck, the awareness of American voters, and the help of God, after 2024, the Democrats will be as out of power as Hillary Clinton is now.
This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.