
Gutfeld Can't Contain Himself When Geraldo Makes the Most Out-of-Touch EV Comment Imaginable


When Greg Gutfeld went on a tear Wednesday, it was fellow Fox News host Geraldo Rivera who ended up hurting — but normal Americans had to cheer.

A discussion on “The Five” about President Joe Biden’s plan to force Americans to buy electric vehicles via Environmental Protection Agency fiat turned into a heated confrontation between the network’s token liberal and one of its most popular personalities.

Guess which one is buying a Bentley EV?

Check out Gutfeld’s comments below; they’re well worth watching. The Twitter user who called it “Geraldo’s ‘let them eat cake’ comment” was dead on.

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The segment started with Jeanine Pirro giving a capsule version of the Biden EPA plan, with panelists Jesse Watters and Dana Perino offering their own criticism of the Biden administration move.


Then Geraldo took up the liberal line with predictable ignorance, confusing the accomplishments of capitalism with the effects of government mandates to claim the market is already working toward wider acceptance of EVs. Then he used himself as an example, to disastrous effect.

“I was going to buy an EV Bentley. My next, my last car, will be an EV Bentley. They offered me a $7,500 rebate,” Rivera said. “I said, ‘I don’t need the $7,500.'”

Gutfeld interjected with a taste of what was coming: “Thank God you connect with our audience.”

When his turn finally rolled around, though, he let loose.

Check out the full video below. Gutfeld really gets going about the 7:45 mark.

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“I’m trying to control myself,” he said.

“Why?” Rivera wanted to know — either playing dumb or actually being dumb (with Rivera it’s sometimes tough to tell).

“Because you said ‘EV Bentley,’” Gutfeld said. “And you just explained why people like you find it so easy to sermonize about electric vehicles, because you can afford it.”

“The thing is – what I’m pointing out is, you just said ‘EV Bentley’ to our audience, right?” he continued. “Who has to pay for the charging stations? Our audience, right? Who has to pay for the transition from gas to electric stoves? Our audience.”

Rivera tried to interject with a claim that gas-powered cars cause cancer when Gutfeld cut him off. (Any claim that a conversation involves something that causes cancer is a sure sign of liberal desperation.)

“Oh God, you don’t even have the science to back that up,” he said, before moving on to Geraldo’s no-cost virtue signaling. “You have to bear the brunt of your beliefs, and you don’t, because you can afford an EV Bentley. You’re telling our audience to suck on it!”

There’s not a better way to describe the modern liberal movement and its attitudes toward normal humans than that — whether it’s Hollywood propagandists, the bureaucrats of the EPA in Washington or the international Davos crowd like special climate envoy John Kerry hobnobbing in Switzerland.

They’re either not paying for their own decisions or they’ve got so much money that $7,500 sounds like pocket change. (With Joe Biden’s inflation, that might be about right for the rest of us in a year or two.)

But Gutfeld wasn’t finished. The whole EV discussion was just a launching point to attack the charade of the environmental movement as a whole.

“The green movement is tied up in knots right now. Electric cars exploit cheap human labor in Africa and in China. The climate predictions are falling apart. The smart folks are flocking to nuclear, and identity politics stole the thunder from the climate agenda,” he said.

“And how do you know that? You’ve got to look at ESG, right? ‘Equity, Social, Governance.’ Why are they packed together like that at companies? It’s because you couldn’t do climate on its own because no one bought it.

“So what they did is, they married it to race. And they married it to gender. So if you come out against ESG, it’s about you being a bigot, not about you being smart about the climate.

“None of their predictions have come true. None of them. They are fighting, they’re forcing America to do this crap over one, less than a percent Celsius. … It has no effect. And, in fact, as this climate gets warmer, people’s lives improve. That’s a fact. That’s a fact.

“People die from cold weather more frequently than warm weather. So don’t give me your cancer BS.”

Then he slammed it home on Geraldo: “Never should have said ‘Bentley EV.'”

Social media users were raving:

If television programming and advertising executives ever wonder just why it is that Fox programs like “The Five,” “Tucker Carlson Tonight” and “Gutfeld!” routinely dominate the ratings, Wednesday’s episode was a case in point.

This isn’t rocket science or political science that Fox News personalities are pushing. These aren’t ideas that have to be focus-grouped before they’re safe to come out in public. They’re basic common sense:

Government mandates aren’t the same as free markets; if EV technology is ever truly ready to replace the internal combustion engine, it won’t need the EPA to force it down American throats; and limousine liberals who have money to burn should stop trying to decide what Americans will drive.

It wasn’t just Rivera that Gutfeld was ripping, it was the entire progressive agenda. And he was speaking for regular Americans while he was at it.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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