
Megan Rapinoe Turns on Women with Latest Move - Just Like She Turned on America


Once again, soccer star Megan Rapinoe is desperate to prove she cares about her fellow women athletes about as much as she cares about her country. Which is to say she doesn’t.

Rapinoe was among 40 female athletes who signed a letter Monday opposing a U.S. House bill that would protect women and girls from having to compete against male athletes who identify as female.

The Republican-backed “Protection of Girls and Women in Sports Act,” otherwise known as HR 734, “generally prohibits school athletic programs from allowing individuals whose biological sex at birth was male to participate in programs that are for women or girls,” according to its summary.

“Specifically, the bill provides that it is a violation of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 for federally funded education programs or activities to operate, sponsor, or facilitate athletic programs or activities that allow individuals of the male sex to participate in programs or activities that are designated for women or girls,” it says.

On Thursday, President Joe Biden’s administration proposed guidelines that would eliminate state bans on male athletes competing against girls and women in school sports.

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Signatories of the letter, organized by LGBT activist group Athlete Ally, include Rapinoe’s fellow U.S. National Women’s Soccer Team member Becky Sauerbrunn and retired WNBA star Sue Bird.

In the letter, the female athletes claimed the bill “does not protect women in sports” since it would preclude women and girls from receiving “mental and physical health benefits.”

“We believe that gender equity in sport is critical, which is why we urge policymakers to turn their attention and effort to the causes women athletes have been fighting for decades, including equal pay, an end to abuse and mistreatment, uneven implementation of Title IX, and a lack of access and equity for girls of color and girls with disabilities, to name only a few,” the letter read.

“Our deepest hope is that transgender and intersex kids will never have to feel the isolation, exclusion and othering that H.R. 734 is seeking to enshrine into law.”

Now, let’s just be clear: Both HR 734 and the letter are both mostly acts of protest.

The bill itself would have to make it out of committee, pass the Republican-led House (that’s doable), then pass the Democrat-controlled Senate by a filibuster-proof majority (you have a better chance of finding Elvis Presley still alive and managing a Five Guys in Kansas City) and either signed by the president, whose proposed rule changes would specifically eliminate the statewide bans the bill would codify nationwide (better odds of Jimmy Hoffa being assistant manager of that Five Guys) or then get sent back to Congress and pass both houses by a veto-proof majority (odds of that: Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster are flipping patties there, too).

However, by being the most prominent signatory of the Athlete Ally letter, Rapinoe has proved yet again that her primary allegiance is to the woke blob. Not female athletes, not America, not anything but the rabblement of indistinguishable “YASS SLAY MEGAN BURN THOSE TRUMPSTERS” performative leftists on Twitter and Instagram.

Does the bill preclude men suffering gender dysphoria from obtaining “mental and physical health benefits” they need? No, in italics.

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Does it add to “isolation, exclusion and othering?” Only inasmuch as creating a category for women’s sports inherently “isolates, excludes and others” non-women who wish to compete in those sports.

Does it detract from “gender equity in sport”? Actually, the bill adds to it by ensuring women are indeed competing against other women.

Let me further note that Rapinoe was one of the loudest voices demanding that the women’s national soccer team receive equal pay to the men’s team, despite the fact the men’s game is more lucrative worldwide and the country’s male stars sacrifice more training time from soccer leagues such as Germany’s Bundesliga, England’s Premier League and Italy’s Serie A to play for their country — and risk injury as a result.

It’s a fight that the women’s team won, incidentally.

But at lower levels, Rapinoe doesn’t really see the difference between men and women playing women’s sports — and she told parents of athletes in girls’ sports to “get a grip” about being beaten by transgender men.

“I would also encourage everyone out there who is afraid someone’s going to have an unfair advantage over their kid to really take a step back and think what are we actually talking about here,” she said in an interview with Time magazine in June.

“We’re talking about people’s lives,” Rapinoe said. “I’m sorry, your kid’s high school volleyball team just isn’t that important. It’s not more important than any one kid’s life.”


Forget about the tired “Would you rather have a living daughter or a dead son?” feint that transgender advocates love to use, as if they’ve magically solved the mental health issues created by gender dysphoria by giving in to whatever the latest trans fad is. Earlier in the interview, Rapinoe was asked what Title IX meant for her.

“Oh, goodness. I mean, Title IX gave me the opportunity to play soccer in college and get a scholarship,” Rapinoe said.

“I don’t think I even knew about it until probably I got to college, or a little bit after,” she said. “It wasn’t in my consciousness. That’s kind of the amazing thing about my generation is, we didn’t have to think about it. It was just there for us.”

So, if your kid misses out on a scholarship because she was overshadowed by a he (or multiple hes) in high school sports, “get a grip.”

The Biden administration now plans to make a mockery of Title IX by implementing sweeping rule changes that would restrict states from banning male athletes from competing in women’s sports, but Rapinoe already got her scholarship and her fame. She’s already safely aboard the rescue helicopter; time to pull up the ladder.

But then, what do you expect? This is what gets you celebrated.

Rapinoe’s fame comes less from her playing skill — which, to be fair, was extraordinary when she was at her peak — and more from her activism. She was one of the biggest Kaepernick-ites in the great anthem-kneel of 2016, the difference being she was kneeling not while representing a professional team but her country.

And for this and other anti-patriotic acts — such as telling NPR the country “was, you know, founded not on freedom and liberty and justice for all” but instead “chattel slavery” — Joe Biden gave her the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the country’s highest civilian honor.

A narrator at the 2022 ceremony said she received the award for being “a champion protecting the rights of fellow LGBTQI+ Americans.”

Right. Tell that to any lesbian, bisexual, queer or “plus” American women beaten by men at women’s sports.

Megan Rapinoe is a champion of Megan Rapinoe’s brand. She has embraced the faceless mob of leftist pitchfork-wielders that surrounds anyone of note who dares even whisper opposition to the latest woke preoccupation. They’ve embraced her back.

As for women and America, Rapinoe’s words and actions have demonstrated time and again both can go to hell for all she cares.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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