
Remembrance for Rush Limbaugh Rings Out as Clip of Him Accurately Predicting Future Resurfaces


It’s been just over two years since radio icon Rush Limbaugh left this vale of tears, dying of cancer on Feb. 17, 2021.

The maestro of the conservative airwaves knew he was going, albeit not so soon — at least, if one is to believe those closest to him. However, he left behind a legacy that can’t be erased — including a prescient view of what happened last week and criminal charges against former President Donald Trump.

So for those of you just climbing out from under rocks — and with inflation being what it is, I completely sympathize with doing what you have to do when it comes to rent and shelter — Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg confirmed a grand jury had indicted Trump on 34 counts related to reporting non-disclosure payments he made to an adult entertainer who goes by the nom du porn Stormy Daniels, with whom he allegedly had a sexual encounter.

It makes for an unusual situation — no former American president has ever been charged with a crime. But it’s one Rush virtually predicted before Trump even left office, and only a month before his own death.

In a video clip making the rounds on Twitter from Rush on Jan. 8, 2021, Limbaugh predicted to his listeners that something would happen to preclude Trump from becoming president again because “they remain scared to death of you and scared to death of Trump.”

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The clip came two days after the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol incursion and came amid speculation Trump would be removed from office via the 25th Amendment (he wasn’t) or impeached and convicted for allegedly inciting the incursion (yes on count one, no on count two.)

Unreal as it may have seemed, the establishment media were portraying Trump’s removal as a serious option then — which is why Limbaugh emphasized Trump was “not gonna be forced out,” according to a transcript of Limbaugh’s Jan. 8, 2020, show.

“I know they desperately want Trump gone, and I know that they desperately want it codified that Trump cannot run again,” Limbaugh said.

“Because, make no mistake, they remain scared to death of you, and they remain scared to death of Trump. Trump’s 75 million, 80 million votes. And I’m gonna tell you, you’re not going anywhere. Even if Trump does, you’re not.”


He also predicted that multifarious efforts would be made to separate Trump from his supporters — and it wasn’t going to work, because Trump’s opponents didn’t get why the movement had succeeded in the first place.

“They remain scared to death that there are 75 to 80 million of you and that no matter what they’ve tried — even with the events of this week — they can’t separate you from Trump. And more importantly, they can’t separate you from the ideas,” Limbaugh said.

“They can’t separate you from MAGA, they can’t separate you from Make America Great Again, which I think remains one of our big campaign strengths going forward.”

Later, Limbaugh said: “They believe that they can destroy this bond that exists between you and Trump if they somehow make Trump look bad, make Trump look like a reprobate, embarrass you about Trump. They can’t do it because you came before Trump.”

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The Limbaugh clip had Twitterers getting emotional.

Well, let’s face it — Rush called his shot and it turned out to be accurate. He may not have been around to see exactly what happened, but he knew the time would come — and come it has.

Trump is expected to be booked Tuesday, and the United States of America will have officially crossed the line into banana republic territory, where minor, or even imaginary, offenses are ginned up by those in power to be used as cudgels against opposition leaders. You’ve come a long way, Lady Liberty.

But in Rush’s words should be the salve. Aside from the absurdity of the indictment, this is a movement that’s been brewing for decades. Americans don’t want to be run by a bureaucratic elite from either party.

How did Rush know this? These were his fans. This was the reason a Midwestern disc jockey who was willing to tell it like it was rose to prominence — and it’s how Donald Trump got elected in the first place.

Even so close to death, Rush had his finger on the pulse of this great nation and this great populist, nationalist, conservative movement. And he predicted the future while he was at it. Not bad for a day’s work.

The left so wants to think they’re closing this chapter of history with Trump’s indictment. What they fail to realize is that Trump didn’t produce the movement, the movement produced Trump.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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