
Biden's Attempt to Pin Border Chaos on Republicans Blows Up When Kari Lake Steps In: 'Blood Is on Your Hands, Joe'


President Joe Biden has finally woken up to the crisis on the southern border — and realized it’s all the Republicans’ fault.

That at least is the takeaway from a Twitter post published to Biden’s account over the weekend that called out a plan by “MAGA Republicans” he said would “slash funding for border security” — the same border security he’s gutted from the time he took office.

And Arizona Republican Kari Lake, among many, many others, weren’t going to let him forget it.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

“MAGA House Republican proposals would slash funding for border security – a move that could allow nearly 900 pounds of fentanyl into our country,” wrote Biden (or whatever 22-year-old non-binary millennial who runs his Twitter account). “We need more resources to secure the border. Not less.”

Of course, that’s nonsense to anyone who remembers that it’s Biden and his Democratic Party that are responsible for the current invasion of illegal immigration the country has been dealing with virtually since Biden became president.

And unfortunately for Biden, that’s many, many people. An honest look at the responses to Biden’s post comes up with few — if any — supporters. Even the Democratic true believers apparently took a pass.

Kari Lake, the Arizona Republican who has not given up the fight for the state’s governor’s seat, was one of the first to respond, posting just over an hour after Biden’s tweet was published.

Lake’s words were practically dripping with the contempt a conservative resident of the border state has to feel for the president who’d rather vacation in his Delaware home than pay attention to a crisis he literally caused.

“We are losing a generation of Americans to the poison of fentanyl because this buffoon purposefully opened our border to allow our country to be invaded,” she wrote.

“That blood is on your hands, Joe.

“Close the Border.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

“Shut Your Mouth

“Save Lives.”

That nails it pretty well. A president who’s cynically turned the death of his older son into a political talking point — while scrambling to cover up the corruption of his younger son — is responsible for the border policies that have fed the shocking death toll in the United States from drug overdoses, primarily the powerful narcotic fentanyl.

According to WHYY-FM, an NPR station in Philadelphia, overdose deaths in 2022 topped 110,000. (WHYY played with the kind of sunny optimism liberal media outlets use with the Biden administration, headlining the story “2022 was a deadly (but hopeful) year in America’s opioid crisis.”)

That’s up from 107,622 in 2021, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

And that, in turn, was up from 93,615 in 2020, according to the CDC.

To be fair, the percentage increased between 2019 and 2020 by 30 percent under then-president Donald Trump, according to the CDC, but it’s under the Biden administration alone that the number of overdose deaths has been above 100,000 and has kept rising (NPR’s partisan cheerleading notwithstanding).

Biden’s Twitter post on Saturday was part of the White House’s response to a plan by conservative Republicans in the House Freedom Caucus to commit the government to spending cuts as part of negotiations over raising the nation’s debt ceiling.

According to The Hill, the proposal would limit next year’s federal budget to the 2022 level and cap discretionary spending increases at 1 percent a year for 10 years after that.

Even the idea of limiting spending is anathema to Biden and his Democrats, though. In his Saturday tweet, Biden tried to dramatize what that would mean — but he picked his party’s weakest, most transparently catastrophic policy position to do it.

And the Twitter responses let him know it:

And so it went on for tweet after savaging tweet — like an army attacking relentlessly against a fortress with a weakness so fatal that a breach in the wall is inevitable.


Of course, Biden was lying, and everyone knew he was lying, but Team Biden evidently doesn’t care. Shoes don’t respect doormats, after all. And Democratic voters have been treated like a doormat by the party’s leaders doormats going back to the Bill Clinton days, when Time reporter Nina Burleigh was the poster girl for Democratic self-debasement.

They didn’t even care that even Newsweek — one of the pillars of the progressive establishment media — actually published a “fact check” on Tuesday that found the claim that the Freedom Caucus proposal would cut 2,000 Border Patrol agents was unambiguously false.

What’s happening here isn’t so much that Biden has woken up to the crisis, but that he’s woken up to the political danger the immigration crisis poses for him — not the actual danger it poses for his fellow Americans, whether through crime or drug ODs.

And like a man in a nightmare, he’s flailing at any potential target he can hit.

Unfortunately for Biden and his Democrats, Americans have their eyes wide open on the border and they’re not going to forget it.

Kari Lake, and the countless others who responded and are still responding to Biden’s Twitter post, aren’t going to let them.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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