
Student Tries to Explain His 'White Privilege' to Woman, Doesn't Realize She Actually Has Her Head on Straight


A college student tried and failed to defend a claim that he had benefited from “white privilege” during a recent interview with a Turning Point USA reporter.

Despite his best efforts, the young man failed to adequately explain his position. He actually appeared to walk away from the exchange with more confidence in himself.

The student, who attends the University of Texas in Austin, saw his worldview come unspooled in a matter of moments last week after he was challenged by reporter Savanah Hernandez, the Post Millenial reported.

The student opened the interview claiming he had been the beneficiary of things in life, having been born with light skin pigmentation.

There was one problem: He was incapable of explaining white privilege and how he supposedly got a leg up on the rest of the world by winning some sort of racial lottery.

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“I grew up as a white man, and you’re the exact opposite, you know?” the student explained to Hernandez during the interview. “My experiences are gonna be different from yours.”

Hernandez, who is not white, brilliantly pointed out that white privilege is a myth and pressed him to explain it.


“How come?” she asked, to which he responded, “I think, you know, there’s a thing of, like, white privilege.”

“What privileges do you have that I don’t have?” she asked the student, who by that point looked like a deer in headlights.

Hernandez continued, ”Don’t you think it’s a problem in society when white people think that they have more privileges than brown or black people?”

The young man struggled to explain his position until he finally surrendered, “I had to work to get where I was.”

Hernandez, a conservative who does not accept that her darker skin makes her the victim of oppression, continued to press the student.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

“Why do you have that mentality immediately where you, you know, kind of apologize to me?” she asked. “Let’s talk about privilege, let’s talk about, ‘I’m a white man in America, so we could have grown up differently.’”

She asked him, “Why is that your first initial reaction to me as a brown woman?”

The student finally surrendered his argument was void of all rationale and signaled he was repeating lines in order to avoid being “canceled.”

“Wow, you’re getting me good,” he admitted.

The student continued, “See, these are kind of conversations that I love having, and I think it comes from a place of like, I wouldn’t say caution. But like, in this day and age, people are so quick to judge and react and cancel.”

He concluded he feels the need to enter such discussions with “caution.”

He was foiled when he encountered a conservative woman whose logic is intact.

Modern college students are being encouraged to accept the lie that some people inherit more opportunities than others based on the color of their skin. The American left will naturally not accept anything but total submission to this narrative.

But by the end of his 85-second conversation with Hernandez, the student in this clip appeared to have a change of heart.

That, or he was red-pilled in on the spot.

The viral interview received its fair share of responses, as many who came across the clip on Twitter empathized with the young man.

A number of people who commented on the video cited the student’s initial answers as evidence he appeared, more than anything, to be suffering from a sort of Stockholm syndrome.

Students used to enroll in college after high school with the hope they could receive a quality education and go on to make a decent living. Currently, many are confronted with the reality that they are in a hostile environment.

American universities have been transforming impressionable young people into drones who parrot far-left positions on important issues for years.

But for decades, important social topics were always open for debate. Those days appear to be over.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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