
Mom Issues Blistering Response to Biden Laughing Off Claim Her 2 Sons Died Under His Watch: 'Despicable!'


Whoever coined the phrase “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned” clearly didn’t know too many mothers.

Because if there is one hellish wrath on this planet that is unmatched, it’s not that of a woman scorned — it’s that of a mother aggrieved.

And President Joe Biden is learning that firsthand after having the gall to laugh while talking about a mother who had lost her two sons because of fentanyl poisoning.

The mother in question, Rebecca Kiessling, apparently committed a mockable offense by having a conversation with outspoken GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene about the impact the fentanyl flooding across the nation’s southern border is having:

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

For even acknowledging the Georgia firebrand, Kiessling found her tragic story dismissed by Biden while he deflected blame for the deaths onto the Trump administration. It was, in hindsight, a perfect storm of just peak Biden-ness.

Here it is, so you can see for yourself:

“Isn’t she amazing?” Biden said, first referring to Greene. “I was the reason — she was — she was very specific. I shouldn’t digress, probably. She — I’ve read she was very specific recently, saying that a mom — a poor mother who lost two kids to fentanyl, that — that I killed her sons.

“Well, the interesting thing is that fentanyl they took came during the last administration.”

Biden punctuated that last line with a derisive chuckle.

Well, Kiessling caught wind of the president’s pathetic response to her tragedy, and she did not mince words when firing back via Facebook on Wednesday.

In a scathing video rebuke, she blasted Biden for his continual failings, but really, she summed it best in the accompanying post:

“My response to President Biden laughing that my 2 sons, Caleb and Kyler, didn’t die under his watch,” Kiessling wrote. “Despicable! What do you say to the parents of the more than 200,000 U.S. citizens who DID die under your watch? How about the 22% increase in fentanyl deaths in his 1st year of presidency when he drastically changed policies at the border!

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

“He owes me an apology, along with all of the parents whose children DID die under his watch. And, how dare CNN hijack this important discussion to make it about a Congresswoman who misspoke as to when my sons died. Focus on a solution to the tragic deaths of over 110,000 precious people each year in the fentanyl war waged against us by China and the Mexican cartels.”

In the video itself, Kiessling noted that while Greene may have misspoken or misstated the presidential administration in place when her sons’ deaths occurred, that was no excuse for the president of the United States to mock her and trivialize her unspeakable pain.

“Really?” Kiessling said after recapping Biden’s callous response. “This is how you speak about the death of my sons? Because a congresswoman misspoke, you mock the loss of my sons? How dare you? What is the matter with you?”

She noted that the other Democrats present at the meeting “at least had the common decency” to offer condolences.

“They at least had the decency to do that,” Kiessling said. “You can’t even do that? You have to mock my pain?”

The entire video is worth a gander, if only to see the raw, unadulterated anger and pain that Joe Biden specializes in spreading.


It’s also a stark reminder of just what is on the line when the 2024 general election rolls around. Elections have very real, very tangible consequences that go way beyond the name of the person who wins office.

A good leader would be able to view Kiessling’s tragic loss and suffering as an inflection point for this country and would go about crafting solutions.

Even a bad leader still probably would have dealt with this situation better than Biden did.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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