
Joy Behar Seemingly Blames East Palestine Citizens for Crisis: 'That's Who You Voted For'


Truly, there are few people in the media who are more contemptible than Joy Behar.

Given that the Don Lemons and Chris Cuomos of the world still exist in the establishment media, that’s actually quite the bar for Behar to hurdle.

Behar, the 80-year-old co-host of “The View,” periodically likes to remind the world why she is just such an awful human being — whether it’s her endless assault on the Second Amendment or her relentless attacks on people of faith.

This is the same woman who once called Christianity a “mental illness,” proclaimed that antifa is a “fictitious idea,” and said that all conservatives except for Mitt Romney “are trash.”

Oh, and she’s a Bernie Bro, too.

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And yet, Behar may have just outdone herself with perhaps her most vile statement to date — and again, that’s saying something.

On Thursday’s episode of “The View,” the hysterical harpies masquerading as co-hosts finally saw fit to discuss the disaster in East Palestine, Ohio — a full 20 days after the incident first happened.

During a decidedly anti-Trump rant from Behar, she somehow blamed the former president for the disaster in Ohio, before going off on one of the most unhinged monologues you’ll ever see:


“I don’t know why they would ever vote for him. For somebody who – By the way, he placed someone with deep ties to the chemical industry in charge of the EPA’s chemical safety office,” Behar began.

It’s at this point that Behar looks directly at the camera, and ostensibly the viewer, to send a direct message:

“That’s who you voted for, in that district. Donald Trump, who reduces all safety. He did, in those days.”

“That’s who you voted for”? It doesn’t take a doctorate to know that Behar’s talking about Republicans and conservatives here, but it doesn’t make the statement any less cruel or heartless. Of note, according to CNN, Trump won Columbiana County (where East Palestine resides) with a whopping 72 percent of the votes.

Look, if the East Palestine train derailment only affected Republican adults in Ohio, then perhaps Behar’s comments would come off as a little less insane.

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But the disaster in Ohio has impacted countless people across the region — not just Republican adults in East Palestine. Adult Democrats, independents and, most importantly, children, who literally have no say in elections, are all going to be feeling the effects of this ecological nightmare for years to come.

And really, that’s sort of the whole point that is flying right over the head of Behar.

This is a tragedy of massive proportions that will leave an indelible impact for years and years. There will be a time for judgment for those responsible, but for now, most Americans are focused on how to help East Palestine’s residents. Leave it to Behar to play the world’s most biased rendition of the “Blame Game.”

Besides, there’s just one entity to blame for this debacle, and it’s not who Behar seems to think it is. Blame needs to be placed squarely at the feet of the current Biden administration. (Remember the whole “the buck stops with me” pandering from Biden? Good times.) Joe Biden needs to be the one to face the brunt of responsibility.

Because no matter how much the far left wants to pin this on Trump, the past is set in stone. At this point, what’s done is done and fretting over it won’t do much good without a time machine. Frankly, given that Trump actually has done more for East Palestine than anyone in the Biden administration yet, it seems wildly unfair to pin the disaster response on someone who doesn’t have any actual political power at the moment.

What is fair, however, is blaming the Biden administration’s handling of this situation, which has been lacking, to say the least.

Despite Behar’s harshest screeching, the residents of East Palestine, Ohio, regardless of who they did or didn’t vote for, shouldn’t be blamed for this at all.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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