
Christian Revival Explodes, Spreads Like Wildfire to Other College Campuses Around United States


The revival fire that was ignited at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky, earlier this month has spread to other campuses throughout the United States.

CBN News reported that outpourings of God’s spirit are happening at Eastern Kentucky University, Lee University in Tennessee, Samford University in Alabama, Cedarville University in Ohio, Baylor University in Waco, Texas, and Texas A&M University in College Station, and Regent University in Virginia Beach.

Rob Fultz, a campus pastor at Lee University, told The Christian Post that a group of students who had watched what was happening at Asbury “asked their professor if they could go to the chapel and pray that God would move on our campus as well.”

“The professor said, ‘yes.’ The class of eight to nine students went to the chapel and began to pray. Within a couple of hours, the room started to fill with students, faculty, and staff,” Fultz recounted.

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He described the continuous time of prayer and worship at Lee as “a predominately spontaneous movement of prayer” and “a beautifully sacred movement” that has continued into this week.

Byron Paulus — with the group OneCry, which is seeking a nationwide spiritual revival — tweeted a picture from Baylor’s campus of students gathered for prayer and worship on Sunday night.

“Growing intensity and urgency in prayer and worship will lead to accelerating movement of revival. A powerful ‘How to Pray’ document circulating on campus. Never in my 47 years of revival ministry have I seen this widespread of movement,” he wrote.

Samford University campus pastor Bobby Gatlin told Baptist Press that, “College students are hungry for authentic faith.”

“They long to experience a Christianity that is real and meaningful,” he said.


Students gathered at Samford’s Reid Chapel several days in a row last week, staying until the early morning hours.

“This movement is a grassroots stirring that can only be explained by the Spirit of God working in the lives of individuals and small groups of students who are coming together in faith,” Gatlin said.

The unplanned, nonstop prayer meeting that began at Asbury University on Feb. 8 wrapped up Monday afternoon.

University officials announced that evening services would continue through Thursday this week for those between the ages of 16-25. Thursday is the national Collegiate Day of Prayer.

The decision came as the town of Wilmore was flooded with tens of thousands of visitors over the weekend seeking to experience God.

Jacob Coyne — a preacher and founder of the mental health organization Stay Heretold The Western Journal that what he experienced when he visited the Asbury revival last week was profound.

As he entered Hughes Auditorium, where the revival was taking place, he said, “Right away it just felt like … any burdens that I was carrying just got lifted right off and I just cried. It reminded me of the simple times when I was 16 and I had just given my life to Jesus.”

He recounted that it felt like the Holy Spirit was just moving through the room as in the book of Genesis, when the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters, which were dark, formless and void. The Bible records that God then spoke, “Let there be light.”

“And I really felt like…if you’re walking in with chaos inside your soul, the Holy Spirit is just brooding over you. He’s just hovering over, and the Word of the Lord comes to you and brings light to where there’s darkness. It felt like you’re just walking into the holy of holies because there is so much space for Jesus to move,” Coyne said.

“So it felt like Jesus was just walking through the room, touching people, one by one. You didn’t need someone to lay hands on you or call you out or you didn’t need an altar.”

Just as the Asbury outpouring is winding down and revival fire is spreading to other campuses, the movie “The Jesus Revolution” is hitting theaters this weekend.

The film is about the last time the United States witnessed a major Christian awakening, the Jesus Movement of the late 1960s and ’70s.

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Co-director Jon Erwin said the movie has been seven years in the making, so that it would be released this week feels like a God thing.

“For years, we’ve been working on this story. We almost got it made, and then COVID got it shut down,” he told The Christian Post. “I just think there’s a divine hand on the timing of the film. And the reason we made it was … the thing that we’ve said for years is, if it happened then, it can happen now. If it happened once, it can happen again.”

These are certainly interesting times to be alive.

It will be fun to see what God does next.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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