
Gaetz Grills Head Lobbyist Skirting Questions About FBI's 'Revolving Door' - Firm's Client List Explains It All


Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida is sounding the alarm about what he calls a “revolving door” between the FBI and the Department of Justice, and powerful and influential lobbying firms.

On Thursday, during a hearing of the House Oversight Committee investigating the weaponization of the Department of Justice by the Biden administration, Gaetz asked Elliot Williams, principal of The Raban Group, about a “revolving door” through which several former officials of the Department of Justice and the FBI go to work at powerful, left-leaning lobbying groups.

Williams, who, according to The Raben Group’s website, formerly worked in the Department of Justice under former President Barack Obama, tried to skirt the question. But, then Gaetz presented Williams with a list of The Raben Group’s clients.

The client list included several firms noted for their left-wing bias, including Google and Pfizer. Perhaps even more disturbingly, Gaetz also mentioned that the list includes George Soros’ Open Society Foundations.

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Gaetz then entered the information into the record, and proceeded to tell Williams, “You seem to be the incarnate of the revolving door.”

Obviously, this is a very disturbing revelation. It shows that people who hold senior positions in powerful government organizations such as the Department of Justice are leaving these organizations and proceeding to do lobbying work for left-wing causes.

This becomes even more disturbing when one takes a quick glance at the client list of the Raben Group. In addition to the clients Gaetz mentioned, the list includes even more nonprofits and charities noted for left-wing bias such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), and the United Nations Foundation.

Gaetz is showing that these prominent left-wing groups have powerful friends in the highest levels of the Federal Government, and could possibly be using those connections to try and mobilize the power of the government to enforce their agendas.


But that was not the only notable thing that was revealed at the meeting. Gaetz then turned his attention to what he called the “political capture” of the FBI, saying that measures needed to be taken to decentralize the organization and return power to the field offices from the politically motivated headquarters in Washington, D.C.

He then called on former FBI special agent Nicole Parker, who spoke about two different FBIs: “FBI 1” and “FBI 2.”

According to Parker, “FBI 1” is composed of the rank and file members who work in the field offices and are patriotic Americans truly dedicated to protecting their country. “FBI 2,” on the other hand, is composed of the national headquarters in D.C., where the agents are motivated by pure political goals.

Gaetz is absolutely right to point this out. Strong action needs to be taken in order to ensure that the FBI is not meddling in political affairs.

It seems that under the Biden administration, the FBI has been used to target political opponents of the left such as former President Donald Trump, rather than as a force truly dedicated to keeping the nation safe.

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This is only compounded by the revelation that there is a revolving door between the FBI and the DOJ and these powerful left-wing lobbying firms. It shows that these organizations are currently more motivated by politics than by justice.

This should be concerning to all Americans, as it poses a very real threat to our civil liberties when top government officials are using their influence to further the goals of the radical left.

Acting on Gaetz’s suggestion, Congress must take action to decentralize the FBI and to ensure that former officials do not become lobbyists, otherwise, we put our freedoms at risk.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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