
Sam Smith's Satan-Worshiping Grammy Performance Hit with Myriad of FCC Complaints


It’s no secret that pop artists Sam Smith and Kim Petras shocked millions with their performance at the Grammy Awards earlier this month, but it turns out that many viewers took their complaints to the federal government.

According to TMZ, some viewers filed complaints with the Federal Communications Commission over the sex-soaked display that was full of overtly Satanic artistic motifs, including devil horns, BDSM-style bondage, cages, and lots of red latex and flames.

The outlet has obtained 18 complaints filed with the agency by viewers who took issue with the suggestiveness, as well as the “DEVIL WORSHIPING ACOLYTES” depicted on stage, as one outraged complaint described them.

“I am filing this complaint because of the vile, despicable, and downright disgusting performance, last night on the 2023 GRAMMY AWARDS SHOW, featuring SAM SMITH AND KIM PETRAS. It was wrought with evil imagery, and depicted DEVIL WORSHIPING ACOLYTES writhing around on the floor virtually naked, and in CAGES,” one viewer wrote.

“Satanic worship and innuendo on the 65th Grammy show. I have stopped watching ABC network. I am very disappointed in CBS. The vulgarity, the Satanic worship, and audience participation was shocking,” another wrote.

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One complaint specifically noted the fact that CBS’ Twitter account openly admitted being “ready to worship” ahead of the performance.


“Sam Smiths Grammy performance of ‘Unholy’ was not fit for prime time public television. There was zero warning of the satanic ‘worship’ (as CBS themselves called it in a tweet) my family was about to witness,” another complaint said.

One parent made the keen observation that the performance, which featured two artists who consider themselves to be what gender theorists define as “gender nonbinary” — Smith identifies as “non-binary” and uses the pronouns “they/them” while Petras identifies as transgender — was explicitly designed to defy religious conventions.

This is a powerful point to make when we consider that the underlying philosophy behind gender theory and the widespread acceptance of homosexuality and “nonbinary”/transgender gender identities does explicitly refute traditional sexual ethics as outlined by the Bible and other religious texts that would otherwise describe these lifestyles as sinful or wrong.

What’s more, it is this philosophy that is also behind the “sex positive” approach to sexuality education that has gained such a significant foothold in our public schools.

So it is really no coincidence, and I can’t imagine why anyone would think it possibly could be, that this performance was overtly anti-Christian and also displayed for children.

“At 9:55pm EST, while my child was still awake, the Grammys aired a provocative and deeply sexualized performance of Sam Smith’s song Unholy,” the observer wrote. “This was on network broadcast television and the routine was designed to be deeply offensive to people of the Christian faith.”

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What’s more, the song itself is designed to mock Christian ethics.

“Unholy,” for which these two trailblazing LGBT artists won the award for best pop duo, making themselves the first “gender nonbinary” artists to do so, is about a man who sneaks around on his wife to get freaky with what we can presume is a person like Smith or Petras, i.e., not his wife, and not another woman, either.

The refrain of the song is “Mummy don’t know daddy’s getting hot/At the body shop, doing something unholy.”

“She got married to a boy like you/She’d kick you out if she ever, ever knew,” the song continues, with one verse noting the protagonist has “left his kids at home so he can get that” unmentionable “unholy” sexual gratification.

Many of the complaints noted that their children had been watching in horror as the performers did things like grab their crotch, imitate sexual acts, and whip one another (one horrified parent noted their innocent grandchild wondered if Sam Smith “must have to pee” before the TV was clicked off, poor thing).

In other words, it wasn’t hard to see that the entire thing was entirely inappropriate for prime-time television.

I have to say, it is an objectively good thing that these viewers took their outrage to the proper channels because a lot of people seem to have lost sight of the fact that in the United States of America, it can still be considered perfectly constitutional to restrict certain images and ideas from the public sphere when they are deemed to be too harmful to warrant acceptance.

“In the Supreme Court’s 1964 landmark case on obscenity and pornography, Justice Potter Stewart famously wrote: ‘I know it when I see it.’ That case still influences FCC rules today, and complaints from the public about broadcasting objectionable content drive the enforcement of those rules. In other words, if you ‘know it when you see it’ and find it objectionable, you can tell the FCC and ask us to check into it,” one complaint astutely noted.

“We saw it — we all know it was obscene, indecent, disgusting and at 5pm in the afternoon,” the complaint continued, noting that the images weren’t “offensive and disturbing” to liberals or conservatives, but “to individuals and families in general.”

Will the FCC respond in kind? Or has our culture just crossed another glaring line in the sand that should never be crossed by any decent society?

We shall see. But in the meantime, we must pray for our country and pray for a return to basic common sense. We do not need to agree with everyone in this country to improve society and protect the innocence of our children, but we do need to start agreeing that some things are still sacred, and that’s the most significant Evangelistic battle we have as Christians.

Go to the root of the lies that have led society down this path — it is the dangerous philosophy that passes as “social science” and “psychology” that has enabled people to adapt, as their identity, harmful and wanton sex lifestyles that overly celebrate sin.

Sin hurts people, so if we’re Christians and we really love Jesus and others, we need to remember that we are ultimately seeking to save people from harmful behavior and the lies that seek to hold them back from reconciliation and fulfillment in Him rather than their empty fleshly desires.


This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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