
'Unparalleled Influence' in WH Is Closer to Becoming POTUS Than We Think, Wouldn't Even Need to Be Elected


Joe Biden’s dumpster-fire presidency has taken another disturbing turn amid reports that his wife, Jill Biden, has become the power behind the throne.

The first lady, who has never held elected office, is her husband’s “closest and most protective confidante” and is influencing every major decision he makes, according to Bloomberg’s Nancy Cook.

This is frightening because no one voted for Jill Biden, an English teacher who has no background in politics or public policy.

“As the campaign unfolds, the first lady is expected to assert herself on major decisions, especially the biggest of them all: whether Biden — at 80, the oldest person to ever hold the presidency — will run for re-election in the first place,” Cook wrote Jan. 28.

“She supports a bid, according to people familiar with the matter, because she cares about how her husband is perceived and believes he’s better at the job than his 42% average approval rating indicates most Americans think.”

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The report said Jill Biden “is expected to serve both as adviser and surrogate” in her husband’s re-election campaign.

Fox News columnist Liz Peek expressed alarm that the first lady is apparently telling the president what to do, concealing his deteriorating mental faculties from the public and assuming an outsized role in the Oval Office beyond the scope of her official duties.

“The departure of longtime adviser and Chief of Staff Ron Klain has created something of a power vacuum in Biden’s close circle, allowing Jill considerably more sway,” Peek wrote.

“Jill Biden has been described as the president’s closest confidant and has influenced not only his decision to run again, but also policy decisions and key hires, such as his choice for Secretary of Education.”


Not only does the first lady weigh in on her husband’s schedule, but she has been caught on camera multiple times yanking him away from White House reporters, whose job is to chronicle his presidency, the Fox News contributor noted.

“Last year she burst into a meeting of Joe’s top aides, furious that they had allowed him to take questions at a news conference for nearly two hours,” Peek wrote. “She evidently does not think Joe can stand up to two hours of inquisition.”

In June 2022, Jill Biden dragged her husband away from a group of reporters who were asking questions.

It appears the first lady is limiting media access to prevent her gaffe-prone husband from making more humiliating blunders that undermine his leadership.

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Before she became first lady, she repeatedly did the same thing on the campaign trail.

Jill Biden’s former press secretary, Michael LaRosa, confirmed she has become a pervasive influence on everything the president does.

“She is his gut check on everything,” LaRosa told Bloomberg.

Historian Katherine Jellison, a professor of women’s history at Ohio University, agreed.

“She is more hands-on than many other First Ladies have been,” Jellison told Bloomberg. “At the Iowa caucuses, during the last time around, she was literally knocking on doors and logging a lot of walking miles.”

Even liberal NBC News has taken note of Jill Biden’s “unparalleled influence” on this presidency.

Her wide-ranging impact is disturbing because she appears to be doing her best — both behind the scenes and in front of the cameras — to conceal the octogenarian president’s cognitive struggles.

This is not the first time a Democratic first lady was a de facto POTUS.

“After President Woodrow Wilson suffered a massive stroke in October 1919, leaving him paralyzed, his wife Edith effectively took over, concealing his disabilities from Wilson’s staff, his cabinet and Congress,” Peek wrote. “Edith Wilson ran the country until the end of her husband’s term in March 1921.”

Even if you like the first lady, this is not what voters signed up for.

Former Georgia Rep. Doug Collins said what Jill Biden is doing is deeply distressing and a threat to the nation.

“This has really gotten concerning, because nobody, frankly, in all fairness to the first lady, nobody elected her to answer questions for the president on issues that the press may have questioned,” Collins said Jan. 27 on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends.”

“They may not like the questions. They may not like the answer,” he said. “But this is what his job is, is to answer these questions and to be a part of the process of people understanding … I would rather prefer Jill Biden not shielding the president from questions, because I want to know if the president can actually answer the questions.”

In short, Joe Biden ceding the presidency to an unelected official undermines his own authority and endangers the nation.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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