
Despite Calling a Lid on 4 Days Last Week, Biden Does It Again Just 9 Days Away from Elections


With a little over a week to go before Election Day, the actions of President Donald Trump and his opponent, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, have given Americans the clearest picture yet of the two candidates yet.

On Friday, Trump knocked it out of the park by brokering a normalized relationship between Sudan and Israel.

The move follows several other home runs that saw the embattled Jewish nation establish diplomatic ties with other Arab states: The United Arab Emirates and Bahrain.

Only one day after Trump brokered the peace between Sudan and Israel, Biden called another surprise lid on most campaign activities.

Following a similar decision last week, where Biden canceled events for four straight days leading up to the final presidential debate, it doesn’t paint a picture of a dedicated and able leader.

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And according to New York Times reporter Katie Glueck, Biden had no plans for events for most of Sunday.

“Good (late) morning from Wilmington, where Biden is spending the day. I was pool. He attended church and now has a lid on in-person campaign events for the day,” Glueck tweeted. “He’s slated to deliver remarks during a virtual concert tonight.”


To be fair, strengthening peace in the Middle East is a tough act to follow.

Biden’s canceled day comes amid mounting questions around his mental health and whether he and his family members cashed in on his former position as vice president.

A trove of documents seemingly exposing Hunter Biden, son of the presidential candidate, have been released piecemeal over the last week.

Emails and other data appear to show the junior Biden’s rotten business deals, some of which saw strategic U.S. manufacturing capability sold off to the People’s Republic of China.

Many of these deals appear to be framed around Biden’s relation to the vice president and other political elites, instead of the recovering crack addict’s business prowess.

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The Hunter Biden leaks were smothered under a near-blackout from social media and news companies, meaning Joe Biden has largely been able to scrape by without reporters holding him to account for the contents of the bombshell laptop.

The elder Biden’s retreat also does nothing to dispel conjecture about the state of his mental health.

The candidate’s inconsistent public appearances and odd gaffes have given rise to many now believing he suffers from a form of dementia or other cognitive decline.

Worries about Biden’s ability to face the intense physical, mental, and emotional stress of the presidency are certainly not being laid to rest by the former vice president’s surprise lid-calling.

With only a week left before November, America’s choices should be crystal clear by now.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

UPDATE, Oct. 27, 2020: This article, as well as a headline that some readers may have seen on social media, has been updated to make it more clear that Biden called a lid on most campaign events on Sunday, not for another four days, as he did the week prior.

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