
Lights Go Out During Twitter Censorship Hearing - Rep Has Perfect 8-Word Response


The House Oversight and Accountability Committee was having an important hearing on Wednesday to discuss Twitter censorship when the power suddenly went out.

Former Twitter executives testified in front of the committee as part of an ongoing investigation by the Republican-controlled House into the company’s censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop story, as well as the censorship of other conservatives.

GOP Rep. Gary Palmer of Alabama had just begun his questioning of the former executives when the power suddenly cut out and everything went to black.

But Palmer had a brilliant comeback. In response to the sudden blackout, the GOP congressman said, “Sounds like the Green New Deal to me!”

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This comment was obviously a swipe at radical leftist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, who — since being elected to Congress in 2018 — has lobbied for a “green new deal” in order to combat climate change.

Republicans and other critics of the “Green New Deal” have claimed that the drastic actions called for under the plan would lead to an energy shortage and the failure of the electrical system.


Thus, when the power went out during the hearing, it was only natural that a GOP representative would use it to draw attention to the fact that these are the inevitable consequences of the “Green New Deal.”

What makes this comment even funnier is the fact the AOC was present when the power went out and Palmer made his comment.

Perhaps she will use this as an opportunity to remember that these are in fact the consequences of her policies and that there is no way she can get around that.

Then again, the left is very stubborn and refuses to budge even when reality stares them in the face.

For the past few years, the left has lobbied for us to switch to alternative forms of energy, such as wind or solar power in the name of “stopping climate change.”

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The problem with that is the fact that these alternative energy sources are unreliable and are liable to break down, leaving many people stranded without energy.

We saw this in the winter of 2021 when wind turbines in Texas froze leaving thousands without power, and many began to have serious questions about the reliability of renewable energy.

There are serious concerns that are being raised by the American people, but the left and the climate activists do not want to discuss them since they see the issue from a narrow viewpoint.

If the power is going out during an important Congressional committee meeting, perhaps we should be more concerned about the reliability of our energy sources than about whether or not they are “eco-friendly.”

But don’t count on a change of heart from AOC or the Democrats. You can present them with all the evidence, but they still will not listen.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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