
Rittenhouse Facing Federal Civil Rights Lawsuit After Judge's Ruling


Kyle Rittenhouse could appear in a courthouse again.

A Wisconsin federal judge ruled Wednesday that a wrongful death lawsuit filed by the father of an individual shot by Rittenhouse can proceed, according to WITI.

Anthony Huber was shot and killed after attacking Rittenhouse with a skateboard during a night of civil unrest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, in August 2020.

Rittenhouse was later acquitted of intentional homicide charges stemming from Huber’s death, with a jury accepting the youth’s argument of self-defense.

John Huber is seeking damages from Kenosha city officials, officers and Rittenhouse, alleging they conspired together to violate his son’s civil rights, according to WITI.

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U.S. District Judge Lynn Adelman rejected arguments from both Rittenhouse and Kenosha’s lawyers to dismiss the case in the Wednesday hearing.

The judge stated that Anthony Huber’s death “could plausibly be regarded as having been proximately caused by the actions of the governmental defendants.”

John Huber claims that law enforcement stood by as chaos engulfed the streets of Kenosha — allowing the conditions for the fatal shootings of two men who were there.

A court document filed in the case accuses law enforcement of having “deputized these armed individuals, conspired with them and ratified their actions by letting them patrol the streets armed with deadly weapons to mete out justice as they saw fit.”


“If they had done their job, my son would still be alive today,” John Huber said upon filing his lawsuit in 2021, according to WITI.

His suit names Kenosha County Sheriff David G. Beth and both the city and county of Kenosha as defendants, according to The Washington Post.

Rittenhouse expressed his respect for the judge’s decision in a tweet, pledging to continue his legal defense after a ruling that he called disappointing.

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Another man who attacked Rittenhouse at the protest and was shot is also suing county and city officials for their handling of a protest in which two men who pursued Rittenhouse were shot and killed.

Rittenhouse has requested donations for his legal defense fund in the face of the civil lawsuit.

A lawyer for Rittenhouse rejected the basis of the suit in a statement provided to the Post.

“There simply was no conspiracy between Kyle and the Kenosha police to single out Anthony Huber,” attorney Shane P. Martin said of the case.

“And as one jury has already found, Kyle’s actions that night were not wrongful and were taken in self-defense.”

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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