
Iranian Illegal Immigrant on Terror Watch List Caught Hiding in Trunk of Car Near Southern Border: Report


Texas law enforcement arrested an immigrant illegally crossing the southern border from Mexico last week, but this man turned out to not be your average illegal immigrant.

According to Fox News, this man was 29-year-old Alireza Heidari, an Iranian, whose name and date of birth were initially flagged as a match on the FBI’s terror watchlist.

Heidari was found hiding in the trunk of a vehicle along with four other illegal immigrants, and when they took him into custody, they found a match between him and a name on the terror watchlist.

Many people responded to the report by praising the work of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott for providing other states with examples of how to deal with border security.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

However, DHS later confirmed that after further vetting, Heidari was actually not a match on the terror watchlist.


Yet, according to Fox News, this has not been an isolated incident at the southern border. It turns out that in 2022, 98 terror watchlist arrests were made at the border, up from 15 in 2021.

While this news is certainly shocking, it should not come as a surprise to anyone who has followed the disastrous border policy of the Biden administration.

President Joe Biden’s policies have left the southern border wide open, and now illegal immigrants are pouring into the country at record numbers. It seems that anyone can just walk into the country.

It only makes sense that criminals and terrorists would take advantage of the chaos at the border in order to sneak into the country, as there is practically no one there to stop them.

Also, where is Biden’s so-called “border czar” Kamala Harris? Surely she would be interested to know that there has been a rise in potential terrorists trying to illegally cross the southern border.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

Instead, as usual, the Biden administration has been mute regarding this issue.

Clearly, the border is an absolute disaster. Biden’s policies are encouraging dangerous people to cross the border, thereby making out country less safe and more vulnerable to attack.

It is interesting to note that the Fox News article points out that there were only three terror watchlist arrests at the southern border in 2020 when Donald Trump was president.

Clearly, his border policy was working to keep these dangerous people out.

If the policy of the Biden administration is encouraging criminals and terrorists to try and sneak across the border, then it is a real sign that something needs to change and fast.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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