
Biden Campaign Slammed for 'Pathetic' Non-Denial of Hunter Biden Story


This is the best they could do?

As literally every passing days bring a new revelation about suspicious business dealings around Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s son Hunter, the Biden campaign has been largely relying on its mainstream media allies to run interference between it and the American people.

But on Wednesday night, as Fox News reported that a laptop and hard drive believed to belong to Hunter Biden was seized as evidence in a federal money-laundering investigation, a Biden campaign spokeswoman mounted an independent defense.

And it didn’t fool anyone.

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As most of the country knows — at least the part that doesn’t rely strictly on the mainstream media for its news — problems have been piling up around Joe Biden’s son since the New York Post revealed the existence of a laptop computer with damaging material on it.

The laptop, which reportedly belonged to Hunter Biden, had been turned in to a Wilmington computer shop for repairs in April 2019, according to a Fox News timeline.

When the customer who dropped off the computer never returned, the owner of the computer shop became its legal owner. He realized it contained emails that directly related to the Ukraine controversy surrounding President Donald Trump in the fall of last year and alerted the FBI.


The bureau first made a copy of the laptop’s hard drive in November, then seized the computer itself in December, according to Fox, but not before the shop’s owner had copied the hard drive himself.

He eventually gave a copy to former New York City mayor and personal Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani, who provided it to the Post for the series of stories that started publishing Oct. 14, and exploded the presidential race.

Since then, more revelations have piled up, some directly related to the laptop, some independent of it, but the Biden campaign has been largely silent. (On Sunday, however, a campaign surrogate agreed that the campaign had not challenged whether the emails on the hard drive were authentic.)

On Wednesday, responding to a Fox News report about Hunter Biden’s involvement in a reported money-laundering investigation, Biden campaign spokesman Andrew Bates issued a statement that was long on attacking the source of the story and embarrassingly short on addressing the substance.

“The Attorney General of Delaware’s office indicated that the FBI has ‘ongoing investigations regarding the veracity of this entire story,’” Bates’ statement said.

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“And it would be unsurprising for an investigation of a disinformation action involving Rudy Giuliani and those assisting him to involve questions about money laundering, especially since there are other documented inquiries into his dealings. In fact, Donald Trump’s own national security adviser warned the president that material furnished by Giuliani should be considered tainted by Russian interference.”

What exactly are Bates and the Biden campaign trying to say here? That the FBI is investigating the “veracity” of a story about a computer the bureau itself is in possession of?

Or is it just trying to galvanize its base against the liberal bugaboo that is Rudy Giuliani, and somehow imply that Giuliani is the one who’s been involved in money laundering? (With Hunter’s computer? How is that supposed to work?)

Whatever the goal, what the statement did not do was reassure Americans of whatever political persuasion that a man who has been nominated for president by the Democratic Party is not up to his ears in a family crime operation.

And it was noticed — at least by social media users who can read and think both critically and honestly (which excludes a fair number of liberals and the entire New York Times newsroom).

It’s important to note that the Bates statement didn’t even address the allegations that the laptop’s contents almost certainly prove that Hunter Biden had used his position as the son of a United States vice president for his own gain and those of his business partners.

They almost certainly prove that Joe Biden has been lying to the nation he hopes to lead when he’s said he and Hunter never discussed Hunter’s business dealings.

(The Bates statement didn’t address troubling allegations that arose Wednesday that the laptop contained “numerous pictures of underage girls,” as Giuliani told Newsmax.)

Bottom line, the Biden campaign’s statement didn’t’ even address the latest allegation to arise — that FBI financial fraud investigators have an interest in the son of the man who has the entire liberal establishment behind him as he aims for the presidency of the United States.

Political operations have been attempting the “non-denial denial” forever — though the phrase is generally thought to date from the Watergate investigation. They’re almost always paper-thin and can be seen through by all but the most blindly partisan supporters.

In the heat of an election campaign that has the country about evenly divided, it’s unthinkable that a presidential campaign would be counting on one at this stage of the game — even with the support of the mainstream media.

But obviously, this is the best the Biden campaign can do.

Hopelessly biased legacy media, the airheads of the entertainment world, and the Lords of Big Tech will do everything they can to make it good enough to push Biden over the finish line.

But in the United States, if shouldn’t be good enough.

It’s not even close.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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