
House Set to Repeal Military Vaccine Mandate, But There Is a Caveat That Will Make Your Blood Boil


Not content with the tens of millions of Americans who lost their jobs during the government-sponsored COVID-19 lockdowns, the Biden administration decided more Americans needed to lose their jobs for showing healthy skepticism with the COVID-19 vaccines.

Biden’s sweeping and draconian vaccine mandates saw hundreds of thousands of additional Americans dismissed from or leave employment for refusing the vaccine.

According to USA Facts, an estimated 79 percent of Americans took at least one dose of the COVID vaccine.

By comparison, at least 97 percent of active American military service members took the vaccine according to CNN which reported on United States Army vaccination numbers back in December of 2021.

Now that the Biden administration has successfully pressured the vast majority of American servicemen to accept inoculation, the House has benevolently put forth a bill that would repeal this requirement for active military members.

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According to Fox News, however, the bill does not include any provisions to reinstate the thousands of servicemen that were discharged for refusing to take the inoculation.

According to, at least 40,000 National Guard and some 22,000 Army Reserve soldiers refused the vaccine which resulted in their no longer being allowed to participate in military duties or receive benefits.

“The bill is expected to be released Wednesday and be voted on by the House later this week,” according to Fox News.

During this time, Fox reports that lawmakers on the House and Senate Armed Services Committees are actively working to amend the bill to include provisions that would compensate military personnel dismissed under the outrageous mandate.


“The decision by lawmakers comes one day after the White House reasserted its support for keeping the vaccine mandate in place,” Fox News continued.

Biden appointed Defense Secretary, Lloyd Austin, continues to display his disdain for American military personnel that stood up for medical freedom with his continued support of the mandate.

White House National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby, stated, “Secretary Austin’s been very clear that he opposes the repeal of that vaccine mandate, and the president actually concurs with the secretary that we need to continue to believe that all Americans, including those in the armed forces, should be vaccinated and boosted for COVID-19,” according to Fox News.

Despite efforts from various lawmakers to include some sort of compensation for American military personnel affected by the mandate, there has yet to be seen any kind of demand for the reinstatement of these patriotic Americans.

American politicians and lawmakers should be in agreement that the mandate should never have happened in the first place.

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The FDA stated back in 2021 that it needed at least “75 years to release Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine data to the public.”

The fact that the FDA would approve the Pfizer vaccine without allowing American citizens access to the data is corrupt.

For a government to then try to mandate anyone take a vaccine or be forcibly terminated from both employment and military service is nothing but criminal.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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