
Caravan of Trump Supporters Reportedly Stretches 30 Miles in Battleground State of AZ


With the presidential election looming, supporters of President Donald Trump went to great lengths to show their enthusiasm for his re-election.

In Arizona, where polls show a tight race, some of the president’s supporters said a caravan backing his re-election stretched for 30 miles, KSAZ-TV reported.

Republican Rep. Debbie Lasko of Arizona praised the caravan.

“Today, I was driving on I-17 in Phoenix and I came across an AWESOME caravan parade for President @realdonaldtrump! Arizona loves Trump and we’re ready to reelect him in November! #FOURMOREYEARS,” she tweeted.

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Vehicles were bedecked with signs supporting the president, American flags,  and pro-police messages including the thin blue line flag and a message reading, “Hate Cops? Next Time You Need Help Call a Crackhead.”

Organizer Theresa Montoya said the event began small, but did not stay that way for long.

“It’s overwhelming and profound to see the support and the compassion and love for this president,” Montoya told KPHO-TV.

“This has taken a life of its own,” said Montoya. “We have a common goal and that’s to get the president elected for four more years.”

A video posted to YouTube Saturday captured the spirit of the event.

And here’s a view from the road.

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Participant Karen Patterson said the line of vehicles stretched for 30 miles.

“We love what he’s done for this country,” Patterson said.

During a Wisconsin rally on Saturday, Trump said the nation faces a dramatic choice on Election Day as it decides between him and Democratic challenger Joe Biden, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Trump said voters face the choice between “a Trump super recovery and a Biden depression.”

“If he gets in you’ll have the greatest depression in the history of this country,” Trump said. “Your stocks will go to hell.”


During a Trump rally in Michigan on Saturday, chants of “lock her up” flowed as Trump spoke about Democratic Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, according to The Hill.

“You gotta get your governor to open up your state, OK?” Trump said. “And get your schools open. Get your schools open. The schools have to be open, right?”

After the chanting subsided, Trump remarked, “Lock ‘em all up.”

Trump later warned his supporters to be vigilant and “be careful of her and her attorney general because you know they’re like in charge of the ballot stuff.

“How the hell do I put my political and our country’s political life in the hands of a pure partisan like that?” he asked.

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