
Tucker: If Hunter's Email Are Fake, This Is the Most Complex Hoax in History


Hunter Biden’s alleged emails are quite the item of discussion at the moment. There’d be more discussion, mind you, if the stories about it weren’t being censored on Twitter.

On Wednesday, the New York Post began running a series of stories derived from data contained on a MacBook Pro that Hunter Biden allegedly took in for repair and apparently forgot about. The owner of the shop turned the computer over to the FBI, but not before making a backup of his own — one which has now begun to leak.

Two Post stories in particular, which involved Hunter Biden’s apparent willingness to peddle influence or get involved with those who assumed his role would involve peddling influence, were censored by social media giant Twitter.

One reportedly involved an email from a top executive in Burisma — the Ukrainian energy company upon whose board Hunter Biden sat — thanking Hunter for introducing him to his father, then-Vice President Biden. The Biden campaign insists no meeting took place, although it cannot confirm there wasn’t more casual contact between the vice president and executive. The other involved a deal in China which invoked “[t]he big guy” getting a cut of the action.

According to Fox News, sources have confirmed the “big guy” referred to Joe Biden.

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While the Biden campaign has called the articles “Russian disinformation,” among other things, they haven’t expressly denied the MacBook was Hunter Biden’s or that the emails were forged. Now that more emails are purportedly leaking, they might have to take a less equivocal stand.

On Thursday, Fox News’ Tucker Carlson said he’d obtained more emails purportedly from Hunter Biden’s MacBook.

At least one of those emails appears to have been obtained by other sources. The message seemed to indicate part of Biden’s role with Burisma might be to deflect and quash investigations into the fugitive oligarch who co-founded the energy conglomerate.

“On Nov 2, 2015, at 4:36 in the afternoon, a Burisma executive called Vadym Pozharskyi emailed Hunter Biden and his business partner, Devon Archer. The purpose of the email, Pozharskyi explains, is to ‘be on the same page about our final goals.’ Including, but not limited to: a concrete course of action. So what did Burisma want, exactly? Well, good PR, for starters. [Pozharskyi] wanted ‘high-ranking US officials’ to express their ‘positive opinion’ of Burisma, and then he wanted the administration to act on Burisma’s behalf,” Carlson said on his show, “Tuck Carlson Tonight.”

“‘The scope of work should also include organization of a visit of a number of widely recognized and influential current and/or former US policy-makers to Ukraine in November, aiming to conduct meetings with and bring positive signal/message and support’ to Burisma,” Carlson added, citing the email.

Beyond that, Pozharskyi wanted to “close down for [sic] any cases/pursuits” against the fugitive Burisma executive, the Fox News host said, again reading the email on the air.

Carlson thought this was essentially Burisma asking Hunter Biden to go to bat for them with his dad, saying it “couldn’t be clearer what they wanted. Burisma wanted Hunter Biden’s father to get their company out of legal trouble with the Ukrainian government.

“And that’s exactly what happened. One month later to the day, on Dec 2, 2015, Hunter Biden received a notice from a Washington PR firm called Blue Star Strategies, which apparently had been hired to lobby the Obama administration on Ukraine. ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ have exclusively obtained that email.”

“Hello all,” the email began. “This morning, the White House hosted a conference call regarding the Vice President’s upcoming trip to Ukraine. Attached is a memo from the Blue Star Strategies team with the minutes of the call, which outlined the trip’s agenda and addressed several questions regarding U.S. policy toward Ukraine.”

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This, in other words, was a public relations firm linked to Burisma through Hunter Biden on a White House call involving Ukraine policy.

And then there came the firing of top Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin. You may remember who precipitated that:

The question is whether this firing was a knowing conflict of interest, an unknowing conflict of interest or — as some have claimed — a move to pre-empt an investigation into Burisma.

Tucker Carlson is in the latter camp.

“The obvious question — why was the vice president of the United States threatening a tiny country like Ukraine to fire its top prosecutor? That doesn’t seem like a vice president’s role. Well, now we know why,” he said.

“Viktor Shokin has signed an affidavit affirming that he was, in fact, investigating Burisma at the moment Joe Biden had him removed. Shokin said that before he was fired, administration officials pressured him into dropping the case against Burisma. He would not do that, so Joe Biden canned him,” Carlson continued.

“That’s how things really work in Washington. Your son’s got a lucrative consulting deal with a Ukrainian energy company, you tailor American foreign policy to help make him rich — our foreign policy. Even at the State Department, possibly the most cynical agency in government, this seemed shockingly brazen.”

Shokin did indeed say this after his firing, although how much you believe this is highly dependent upon how much faith you put in Shokin, a man generally acknowledged to be inept and/or corrupt in his position. Not that this was unusual in Ukraine, but the question of whether Biden pushed for the firing to enrich his son will always be a contentious one.

What’s clear is that, if these emails are accurate, Hunter Biden was expected to peddle his influence in Washington, D.C., whether it be on behalf of Burisma’s fugitive oligarch or getting people fired. It also makes Joe Biden look like he had a bigger conflict of interest in the matter than originally suspected.

There was also another email — previously reported on by the Post — in which one of the participants discusses a 2017 deal in China where there was a “provisional agreement that the equity will be distributed as follows … 10 held by H for the big guy?”

According to Fox News, one of the individuals on the email thread has confirmed the veracity of those emails, and sources told Fox that the “big guy” was Joe Biden. Biden has again denied the charges and pointed to his taxes, which make no mention of remuneration in a deal with China.

So, is this just all an elaborate, phantasmal sham? Carlson would like you to consider the evidence.


“If these emails are fake, this is the most complex and sophisticated hoax in history,” he said. “It almost seems beyond human capacity. The Biden campaign clearly believes these emails are real. They have not said otherwise. We sent the body of them to Hunter Biden’s attorney and never heard back.”

If only the computer repair shop had heard back and none of this would have happened.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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