
Watch: Obama Appears in Cringeworthy Get-Out-the-Vote TikTok Video


One man’s national security threat is another’s legitimate platform to encourage American leftists to go vote, I guess.

I mean, I guess there’s only so much I can blame the Democratic Party for throwing every hail Mary they can think of to try to rescue something — anything — from the coming red wave that just seems every day to be a little bigger than it was the day before.

But this TikTok video featuring Barack Obama … I’m trying not to be unkind, but this was hard to watch.

In an apparently desperate last-minute get-out-the-vote push — because, let’s face it, anyone who hasn’t by now either cast an early ballot or committed to getting to the polls on Tuesday almost certainly isn’t going to —  the former president made an appearance in a TikTok video featuring Vitus Spehar, who goes by “V.”

Spehar hosts something called “Under The Desk News,” a TikTok show that “offers 60 second daily wrap ups of current events, political analysis, and special interest stories ‘explained,'” according to his LinkedIn profile.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

Explaining current events and analyzing politics in 60 seconds. Ah. Now I know where all those low-information voters come from.

Anyway, Obama did as well as anyone could, I guess, given that he had to sit on the floor and talk to a guy who was lying on the floor under a desk.

“It’s Monday night, and here’s what’s happened,” Spehar said, when he was “interrupted” by the former president walking on-camera. Spehar pretended — badly — to be surprised by the sudden appearance of the most popular person currently in the Democratic Party.

“V,” Obama said. “What are you doing under my desk?”

“Well, under the desk is kinda my thing,” Spehar said.

“Here’s the thing: You can stay for now, but when it comes time for voting you’re going to have to get up,” Obama responded. Never let it be said that the former president isn’t a master of the smooth segue.

“Because you got climate change legislation on the ballot, you got gun safety. And, when we can elect more pro-choice members of Congress, we can re-institute Roe v. Wade as the law of the land,” he said. “So, you can’t stay here, you’re going to have to take a little bit of time to vote.”

For the record, that’s not how it works at all. You can’t “re-institute” a Supreme Court precedent through legislation. For a moment, I think the former president was channeling the current president. But I suppose if you get your political analysis doled out to you 60 seconds at a time, maybe you don’t know any better.

“Is now a bad time to say that I voted for McCain in 2008?” Spehar then asked.

“Mmm, as long as you voted,” Obama replied.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report


Then, the best part of this video occurred: It ended.

I was left thinking, first, I can’t remember the last time I saw a politician acting quite that desperate (although Jeb begging for applause comes to mind); and second, that’s 38 seconds of my life you owe me, Mr. President.

I had to watch this thing, so I’m going to invite you to join in my misery.

@underthedesknews In 2008 I voted the way my Dad did, I’m grateful for the work President Obama did to secure marriage equality and will be voting this term to protect these hard earned rights. #creatorsforgood #vote #iwillvote ♬ original sound – UnderTheDeskNews

Reaction on Twitter was pretty much what you’d expect.

Right? That’s what I said!

The Democrats know they’re up against it this cycle. They have a wildly unpopular president, an economy literally taking money out of everyone’s accounts, soaring gas prices, and an utter lack of consistent messaging about any of these topics. They want to continue to talk just like Obama did in this video: as if the American public wants nothing more than to pay even higher energy prices to support a transition to clean energy, give up our Second Amendment right to self-defense and ensure that every street corner in the country has a one-stop murder-your-unborn-baby shop operating 24/7.


That’s not what Americans are thinking about this year as they walk into their voting booths, but, hey, why should I give leftists advice? My earnest prayer is that they’ll keep digging their own political graves. I might even rent them a backhoe.

So I guess I shouldn’t discourage them by saying that this TikTok video was the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen. Besides, I already said I didn’t wish to be unkind.

Let’s just say that everything else I can ever remember seeing was smarter.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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