
Scaros: We Must Turn Democratic Failure Into Republican Votes


What’s wrong with America right now? A lot, but here are the main issues that immediately come to mind:

1. Prices are rising at a very troubling rate. The word “inflation” was an afterthought for decades, and tens of millions of Americans weren’t even born the last time it was an issue. Some families can’t even afford to pay cash for groceries and gas and have to charge those things on credit cards! Imagine that — going into debt just to eat!

2. Our border is as porous as a colander. It doesn’t matter if most persons here illegally (NOTE: they are not “immigrants”) are here just to do “the jobs Americans won’t do,” because there are plenty of them bringing drugs, weapons, human trafficking victims and disease into the country.

3. Crime on the streets is out of control, as police officers are being handcuffed by their own local governments and are often sitting ducks. They’re quitting their jobs in blue states by the barrelful. In several major American cities, shoplifting is no longer a felony, violent felons are released on a promise to return for a court date, and elected officials call for defunding the police.

4. Dangerous dictators around the world are more emboldened. Most notably, Russia’s Vladimir Putin started the biggest land war in Europe since World War II.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

5. Wokeness is more preposterous than ever. It’s no longer a loony trait of a small fringe; it is becoming mainstream. Binary pronouns like “he” and “she” are being targeted. Statues of Abraham Lincoln are being torn down because he didn’t free the slaves quickly enough.

We all know about these problems, and more. And most (if not all) folks reading this column understand that the Democrats are to blame. But you are not the issue. You are already voting Republican in a couple of weeks. Many Democrats are beyond help. Some are starting to wake up and are leaving their party. Most prominently, Tulsi Gabbard recently did so.

But too many of them are far too indoctrinated in leftist groupthink to fathom that their own beloved Democrats are the cause of all these catastrophes.

The hope for winning back both houses of Congress in November, along with gubernatorial races throughout the country and the White House in 2024, is in persuading swing voters to link the problems stated above directly to the Democratic Party.

Inflation didn’t just happen. It was caused by three main factors:


1) President Joe Biden paid for his insanely large spending bills not by raising taxes or adding to the deficit, but by printing more money, which of course makes money worth less and means more of it will be required to buy the same goods.

2) Biden shut down the Keystone XL Pipeline project, thus driving up the price of oil, which in turn makes filling up the gas tank and heating the house cost a lot more.

3) Biden’s over-the-top pandemic policies caused a supply chain problem that made goods on store shelves scarcer, thus driving up their price.

The border crisis also wasn’t a coincidence. When PHIs learned that the new sheriff in town (Biden) was a pushover, they crossed the border illegally in droves. That’s one of the basic laws of nature. In the animal kingdom, for example, the fox won’t dare go near the chicken coop if there’s a lion guarding it. But if it’s a rabbit standing guard — let’s just say the fox’s family will bemoan, “We’re having chicken again?”

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

In fact, PHIs aren’t the only ones who realized that the lion had been replaced by a rabbit. Putin & Co. figured that out too.

As for defunding the police and eliminating gender-defining words like “mother” from the lexicon, it’s all because of the Democrats’ bait and switch. They realized that when it comes to presidential elections, the vast majority of America, even Democratic voters, are not nearly that far to the left. Therefore, they ran Biden as a centrist, but soon enough he kowtowed to their radical leftist whims.

It’s not that Biden was a Marxist in disguise all along; it’s that he’s almost 80 years old and he finds it easier to get along with his party’s squeakiest wheels than to fight them. Biden is trying to get through his presidency as painlessly as possible. Like a boxer who knows he’s safely winning on points, he’ll stay outside and not take any chances of getting hit.

Accordingly, it’s up to Republicans to do more than just complain about what’s wrong in America and blame the Democrats in discussions with like-minded people who are already voting Republican anyway. It’s about getting the message out directly to the masses, many of whom are swing voters not beholden to any political party, in no uncertain terms: “The reason you can’t afford groceries is Joe Biden’s policies!”

Beyond that, we need to explain to them why things would be different with Republicans back in control. Reopening the Keystone Pipeline, securing the border, making shoplifting a felony again, etc. That way, they’ll not only know that the Democrats have caused all of these problems, but that the Republicans will fix them and improve quality of life overall.

One final word to my fellow Republicans: Do not be discouraged and think that there’s no way Republicans can win because the Democrats are going to cheat anyway. As Donald Trump has been saying as of late, the bigger our landslide, the harder it will be for them to cheat.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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