
Red Alert: China Appears to Be Hiring Former Fast Jet Pilots for War Training ... And There's One Disturbing Detail


Evidence that China is ramping up for a major conflict with U.S. and allied forces continues to mount.

According to the BBC, retired British fighter pilots are being lured and recruited by “intermediary head-hunters” with the goal of familiarizing the Chinese Military with British air capabilities.

The U.K. — a place that can arrest citizens for misgendering someone online — currently has no law in place making this practice illegal, according to the BBC.

A Ministry of Defense representative stated that even retired military personnel are subject to the Official Secrets Act, but there currently exists no statute forbidding this practice.

Armed forces minister James Heappey told BBC Radio 4, “It certainly doesn’t match my understanding of service of our nation — even in retirement — to then go and work with a foreign power, especially one that challenges the U.K. interest so keenly.”

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The armed forces minister also said that the law needs to be changed to keep national security secrets safe from would-be rivals like China who are offering considerable compensation for expertise.

The article quoted a Western intelligence official who estimated that some of the “packages” are believed to be as much as $270,000 per pilot — a tempting sum for anyone, let alone a retired pilot on a limited pension.

What is even more alarming is that many of these retired pilots have experience piloting craft that are not just unique to the Royal Air Force.

The article quoted another Western official that stated these men have experience with Typhoons, Jaguars, Harriers and Tornados, which the Chinese will no doubt want detailed information on as well.


The article also claimed that the Chinese have expressed a keen interest in the American F-35 capabilities but stated that pilots familiar with them have not yet accepted any such offers — to their knowledge.

The BBC discussed how the “head-hunters” are associated with a South African flight academy, which points to another alarming aspect of China’s strategy for global dominance.

The Gatestone Institute — a non-profit international policy council — strongly suggests that Africa is a continent China is heavily mining for resources, as well as geographical advantage.

In their article, “China Taking Over Africa: ‘China’s Second Continent'”, they discussed China’s Belt and Road Initiative, which nearly 40 out of Africa’s 54 countries participate in and rely on today.

Also according to the article, China is now Africa’s largest trade partner.

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According to the Gatestone Institute, “In 2000, trade between China and Africa had been at a mere $11 billion. From 2020 to 2021, trade between Africa and China reportedly increased by 35 percent — from $187 billion to $254 billion.”

It would appear imperative then, that Western militaries like the U.K. take a serious look at their policies in regard to recruitment from foreign entities, as well as examining Africa more closely as conflict looms.

Both endeavors may prove to be moot points as Western nations continue to demonstrate that their priorities do not involve containing a China that is clearly attempting to gain dominance over the skies should that conflict come.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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