
Letts: Biden Is Playing the Blame Game When It Comes to Funding the Police


It’s much easier to pass the blame than accept it.

But in these crucial times, when there’s a bigger divide within our country than ever before, the last thing you should do is stretch it out further. Because sooner rather than later, something’s going to give.

I’m talking about President Joe Biden and his administration, who have gone on the offensive yet again, refusing to accept blame for the damage done by the “defund the police” campaign from a couple of years ago. Even though there’s a bill making its way through Congress to help our beloved men and women in blue, Biden can’t help but do some more finger-pointing as it progresses.

White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates recently made it clear whom Biden blames for the whole “defund the police” situation — Republicans.

Bates told Fox News that they have “continually attempted to defund the police by voting to eliminate the COPS program the president created, and are even advocating to defund the FBI.”

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Bates was also quick to point out that when Biden “inherited a rising crime rate, every Republican in Congress voted against the critical funding we delivered to stop the police layoffs happening all over the country.”

A couple of small problems with this statement.

Notice that Bates didn’t mention anything about the Democrats voting against these bills, which they’ve done multiple times. Nope, the blame clearly falls on the Republicans, and that’s that.

But there’s more. The states that actually green-lit these funding cuts? They were mostly Democrat-led. That means something could have been done to stop the program, but the votes came through and, next thing you know, police had way less money.


It’s also interesting to note how quickly the FBI is being supported by the White House in spite of the turmoil it’s going through as well.

At least a dozen agents have managed to resign and become whistleblowers, calling out the actions of the agency against normal citizens who have a particular point of view on politics. Of course, Republicans became more vocal after Mar-a-Lago, but between the two, an interesting picture of the FBI now exists — and may even call for an investigation.

It sounds like we need to take a closer look at these government agencies, as well as how they’re being budgeted to take on criminal activity — and not attacking everyday Americans as they’re supposedly doing right now.

But here’s the thing. What Biden is doing, instead of fixing the divide that’s taking place in America, is ripping it further.

“The president and congressional Democrats know the answer is to fund law enforcement and keep weapons of war out of the hands of criminals,” Bates noted.

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That’s great and all, but there’s no mention of the Democrats who voted against the bill, or the ones who stalled its passage in the first place. There were Republicans who did vote for that bill, but, surprise, they’re all grouped together as the sudden enemy of this country, just as they were weeks ago when Biden went on a tirade against them.

With the Biden administration creating this further rift, we could very well be looking at a Congress that stays divided instead of standing together to do what’s right for the American people. Biden should be more concerned with mending fences rather than demolishing them for the sake of what is ideal for him and his administration.

Honestly, he should just stop with the statements and get to work already.

Get this bill passed and give the officers the gear and mental health treatment they’ve needed over the last couple of grueling years. Give them the additional support that can help turn the tide on rising crime. Stop pointing the finger and lend a hand in making the country what it could be again.

Otherwise, it’s just another round of the blame game.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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