
Gavin Newsom Vows to Run for President Under Likely Condition That Biden Doesn't: Report


California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom will run for president in 2024 if President Joe Biden does not seek a second term, according to a new report.

Biden danced around the subject in a recent interview with CBS.

“Look, if I were to say to you, I’m running again, all of a sudden, a whole range of things come into play that I have — requirements I have to change and move and do in terms of election laws. And it’s much too early to make that kind of decision. I am a great respecter of fate. And so, what I’m doing is I’m doing my job. I’m gonna do that job. And within the time frame that makes sense after this next election cycle here, going into next year, make a judgment on what to do,” Biden said.

“Look, my intention as I said to begin with is that I would run again,” he continued.

“But it’s just an intention. But is it a firm decision that I run again? That remains to be seen.”

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Because whatever potential Democratic candidates do hinges on Biden, all candidates are in a planning and waiting mode. Given that, Newsom is ready to go if Biden does not run according to TheWrap.

The report cited sources TheWrap did not name, with two saying Newsom is “undeniably, unequivocally” running if Biden does not.

“After this midterm election is over, he absolutely is going to announce that he is running for the presidency once Biden announces that he is not running,” The Wrap quoted who it said was “a leading California fundraiser with close ties to the Newsom family.”

“No ifs, ands or buts. He will run if Biden does not,” the report said.


According to CNBC, a Wall Street executive it did not name who secured money for Biden in 2020 said both Newsom and Vice President Kamala Harris are trying to line up big donors.

To some, Newsom had been expected to run.

“I don’t think it’s unusual that the California governor would be making moves that would suggest he may run for national office,” political strategist Rob Stutzman told KABC-TV. “Every California governor, more or less, at some point envisions themselves in the Oval Office.”

Although Newsom has said he is not interested in running, Stutzman said everything changes if Biden does not run.

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“He may have a sub-zero interest in it now, but not if Joe Biden says I’m not going to run. If that comes out, he will move forward very fast.”

Joseph Cotchett, a top Democratic donor and longtime friend Newsom and Biden, said last month that Newsom will be ready if Biden bows out.

“There’s absolutely no question in my mind from what I know about him, and I may be wrong, that he will run for president,” Cotchett said.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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