
West Texas Border Patrol Twitter Account Shut Down After Sharing Criticism of Biden Policies


After retweeting posts that were seemingly critical of President Joe Biden’s border policies, U.S. Customs and Border Protection deactivated a Twitter account for the West Texas border region on Saturday.

The West Texas account retweeted Stephen Miller, in particular. Miller was a key player in former President Donald Trump’s White House and was a senior adviser on immigration policy, The Hill reported.

CBP Commissioner Chris Magnus announced in a tweet that the retweeted content was removed, the @CBPWestTexas account would be deactivated and the Office of Professional Responsibility was also looking into the situation.

“Totally unacceptable and disappointing that any CBP Twitter account was used to R/T [re-tweet] offensive, unauthorized content. We’ve removed the content and will deactivate the account. The Office of Professional Responsibility will investigate. This must not happen again,” Magnus tweeted.

The CBP statement that Magnus posted with his tweet said that “The tweets do not reflect the values of this administration and our work to rebuild a humane, orderly, and secure immigration system.”

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According to reporting and some screenshots shared on Twitter of the West Texas tweets, the account had retweeted two posts from Miller.

In one of the retweeted posts, Miller particularly posted about criminals.


“Violent criminals lay waste to our communities undisturbed while the immense power of the state is arrayed against those whose only crime is dissent,” Miller wrote. “The law has been turned from a shield to protect the innocent into a sword to conquer them.”

Another retweeted post from Miller read, “The media’s greatest power is its ability to frame what is a dire national crisis (eg ‘cops are racist’ summer ’20) and what is not. Biden’s eradication of our border means we are no longer a Republic — he’s ended nearly 250 years of constitutional government. The media is silent.”

The CBP West Texas account also liked posts that criticized U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg’s actions and his homosexuality.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

WARNING: The following social media post contains language that some may find offensive.

“Won’t happen! Buttplug doesn’t have a clue how America or any other economy operates,” one tweet that was liked by CBP West Texas read.

(CBP West Texas / Video screen shot)

This issue with the CBP West Texas account is not the first social media problem that CBP has run into.

In October 2021, CBP announced that 60 of its agents had committed misconduct by participating in a private Facebook group that allegedly mocked migrants and lawmakers for their border policies, the Houston Chronicle reported.

CBP’s Discipline Review Board recommended that 24 of those agents be fired.

Only two of the agents were fired.

As the Office of Professional Responsibility investigates this new incident regarding the West Texas Twitter account, there is not yet any announcement on whether anyone will be fired or disciplined for the posts that were retweeted and liked.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

CORRECTION, Sept. 14, 2022: The Western Journal has edited this article to correct several instances of incorrectly abbreviating Customs and Border Protection as CPB instead of CBP.

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