
First Screening of 'My Son Hunter' Reportedly a Huge Success


In left-wing Hollywood, the audience was largely-low key about showing up for a movie about the disturbing and almost certainly criminal life of first son Hunter Biden — being a conservative can be deadly to a career in some circles.

But by the time the credits rolled, according to Newsweek, there was nothing quiet about their reaction.

The cinematic take on the sins of the son of the president of the United States got a standing ovation — and it likely won’t be the last one it receives.

The $2.75 million film “My Son Hunter,” produced by The Unreported Story Society (the crew behind 2020’s “Obamagate”) and being distributed by Breitbart News, is exactly the kind of movie liberals should be afraid of.

As Dinesh D’Souza’s latest movie “2000 Mules” and his 2018 effort “Death of a Nation,” storytelling on screen can carry a message that print and online coverage has trouble matching, no matter how persuasive it is.

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“My Son Hunter” follows suit, turning the traditional weapons of the leftist entertainment complex against the country’s political and cultural overlord.

And appears to do it with devastating effect.

Check out the official trailer here:

The movie will stream on Breitbart beginning Sept. 7, but a picked crowd of conservative counterculturists in progressive Hollywood got a sneak peek Wednesday in a private screening room in Los Angeles, according to Newsweek.

Naturally, the “secretive, invitation-only event” had none of the pomposity of a traditional Tinseltown gala. As Newsweek reported, almost laughably, “secrecy underlined what right-wingers say is an atmosphere of fear over expressing conservative views in Hollywood.”

In the Newsweek view, it’s simply a fever dream of “right-wingers” that Hollywood had a decades-long loathing of all things conservative, a loathing that only metastasized with the political career of former President Donald Trump and has grown even worse in the disastrous presidency of Joe Biden.

But it’s that disastrous presidency, and the events surrounding it, that is explored by “My Son Hunter.”

It’s a story that has been disgracefully ignored or covered up by the establishment media, abetted by the even more disgraceful Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Justice and Biden’s Politburo Attorney General Merrick Garland.

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“This Hunter Biden situation is a story that needs to be told, and it hasn’t been by the mainstream media,” conservative actor Dean Cain told Newsweek at the Wednesday screening. “This is unprecedented. The media was in bed with Joe Biden and wanted the last election to go a certain way.”

(Cain is probably best known for starring as the Man of Steel in the 1990s series “Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman,” but his current role as an outspoken conservative in the entertainment world is a very close second.)

He’s right. The Hunter Biden story represents a singular episode in American political history — one that combines political corruption on a vast, international scale, with the utterly sordid “private” life of the Biden Family (drug abuse, apparent sex addiction, adultery with in-laws, etc.) and the rapaciously dishonest nature of the mainstream news media.

And it’s more than a little telling that some viewers who turned out for the Wednesday showing kept their identities quiet out of fear of retaliation by their “liberal” colleagues.

“I really enjoyed the film. It’s a shame I can’t tell most of my colleagues about it, though,” one producer told Newsweek, asking to remain anonymous. “Hollywood is in such a hyper-cancel mode today.”

At the website, where the movie is available for pre-order, there’s a succinct summary of its contents:

WARNING! This motion picture contains: Sex, Prostitution, Drugs, Cronyism, Money Laundering, More Sex, a Laptop from Hell, Chinese Spies, Ukrainian ‘Businessmen,’ the CCP, the Selling Out of America, the Big Guy, Corn Pop, More Sex, Additional Drugs, and…Family.”


Almost all of that stuff would be standard fare for a Hollywood production today — particularly “sex, drugs, more sex, additional drugs” — and celebrated as the talk of the town. (Somehow, no gay or trans issues showed up, at least not in the “warning.”)

But in the Hollywood of today, smothered by a Stalinist shroud of hypersensitivity to political opinions that aren’t sanctioned by the elites, it’s a movie that needs to be treated like a Prohibition Era speakeasy, invitation only and some participants hoping to keep it on the down low.

When the movie was over, though, they were cheering in a standing O. And it’s a good bet conservative audiences around the country are going to be doing the same when the movie goes wide.

One way or another, this story is going to be told. And one way or another, Americans need to hear it.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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