
Watch: MAGA Immigrant Reacts to Biden Speech - 'You've Told Me and My Children That We Don't Matter'


In the wake of Joe Biden’s speech Thursday demonizing his political opponents, a man who describes himself as a recently naturalized immigrant took to social media to explain just why he and his children are MAGA Republicans and blasted Biden for telling him he doesn’t matter.

In the speech delivered at Philadelphia’s Independence Hall, Biden claimed he was addressing the “soul of the nation.”

Unfortunately, he turned the speech into a pre-midterm campaign rally aimed at destroying former President Donald Trump and castigating all 74 million of his 2020 voters as dangerous “extremists” out to destroy American democracy, essentially declaring war on half the country.

Biden particularly excoriated “MAGA Republicans” — supporters of Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan — and called them a threat to the country saying, “equality and democracy are under assault. We do ourselves no favor to pretend otherwise.”

“Too much of what’s happening in our country today is not normal. Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic,” Biden hectored.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

“… MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people. They refuse to accept the results of a free election, and they’re working right now, as I speak, in state after state to give power to decide elections in America to partisans and cronies, empowering election deniers to undermine democracy itself.”

Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro panned the speech, saying it was the “most demagogic, outrageous, and divisive speech I have ever seen from an American president. Joe Biden essentially declared all those who oppose him and his agenda enemies of the republic. Truly shameful.”

Well, after Biden’s attack on his fellow citizens, one man who identified himself as both an immigrant and a MAGA Republican, Ghana-born Alma Ohene-Opare, took to social media to explain why he supports the MAGA agenda and why Biden’s comments were not just dangerous, but anti-American.

Ohene-Opare, who said he became a naturalized citizen in 2021 and is raising his family in the U.S., posted a video to social media to explain how wrong Biden is to call MAGA voters “terrorists” and to proudly claim he is a patriotic “MAGA” conservative.

The man explained that he came to the U.S. at age 19 and after 18 years of living here and working to become an American while raising four children, he finally became a citizen. But he was distraught that Biden went on the warpath against the tens of millions of Americans who oppose the progressive Democrats’ leftist agenda.

“Mr. President, I am also a conservative Republican. Or what you have recently labeled a ‘MAGA Republican,'” the man said. “Over the last few days, you have looked into the camera and called me and millions of people like me ‘extremists.’ You have told me and my children that we don’t matter to you because of our beliefs.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

“Your spokespeople and the media have labeled us ‘dangerous,’ ‘full of hate,’ and a ‘threat to democracy,'” he continued. “You went as far as to suggest that we would not stand a chance against government F-15s in defending our country from tyranny. Your party leaders have taken your cue and called us ‘terrorists.’ And all this without taking any time to acknowledge our humanity, listen to our concerns, or seek to understand our fears.”

Ohene-Opare went on to attack Biden for emulating despots in foreign tyrannies who call their enemies evil and use government armies to put down the population.

He then described just what “MAGA” means to him and millions of other Americans, and he delivered a wonderful explanation of what being an American truly is.

“This is the reason many of us embrace the call to Make American Great Again,” he said.

“It is because we believe our great nation is under a moral, fiscal, and spiritual assault. We’re MAGA because we want to restore the promise in the hearts of our children that this is the place where their efforts will be rewarded and where their true potential can be realized.

“We are MAGA because we believe in freedom of speech, the freedom to exercise our religion. We believe in limited government, and the rule of law,” he said. “We are MAGA because we love the Constitution and believe our Founders established a means for ‘we the people’ to defend it from enemies both foreign and domestic.

“I am MAGA, because I want to be able to look into the eyes of my four black children to assure them that they’re not victims, that they hold inside them what it takes to achieve anything they set their hearts on.


“We believe that our leaders should put America and its interests first before any other nation. We believe our government should not saddle our children and grandchildren with insurmountable debt chasing after a misguided idea of controlling or changing the course of the climate,” he said.

“Millions of us were horrified to witness what happened on January 6th and believe that justice must be served, but we also see through the attempt to paint all Republicans with the false monicker of ‘insurrectionists,’ and to conflate the genuine misgivings of those who feel disaffected and disenfranchised with an unfounded accusation that we are somehow against democracy.

“We are MAGA,” he went on, “because we love law enforcement but doubt whether the Justice Department or the FBI can be trusted to deal fairly and impartially when they have given us clear and repeated evidence of their political bias against half of the country.

“As a new American, this November will be the first time I get to exercise my right to vote,” he said. “The right I’ve waited nearly two decades to earn. I understand the urge during an election season to attack those you see as political opponents, but, Mr. President, I am not your enemy. And the tens of millions of MAGA Republicans are not filled with hate towards anyone. We love this country. We’re heirs of the great legacy of freedom this country has afforded us and wish to exercise our right to be heard and not demonized.

“So I ask you, Mr. President,” the man said, “to tear down this wall of divisiveness and division that seeks to pit your fellow citizens against one another. Heed your own call for unity and lay off the rhetoric that seeks to demonize and defame millions of people who would give their lives and fortunes to defend these United States.

“If you believe in the redemption of America,” he said, “then give my children a reason to hope, a reason to believe that our best days are ahead of us in spite of the challenges we face as a country. Thank you for listening.”

Ohene-Opare’s response to Biden drew such wide attention that he appeared Sunday on “Fox & Friends Weekend.” He told co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy what his life in the United States has meant to him.

“I believe that… with hard work, I could make anything happen for myself and my family, and over the last 20 years that I’ve been here, that’s exactly what I found,” he said.

“I found love, I found patriotism,” he said. “I found people who are willing to do what it takes. I found people who helped me pay for college, I found people who bought me my first car.

“I found people who helped me in every way possible to be where I am today, and so when I think about making America great again, it’s a return to the foundational principles that this country was founded on.”

Sometimes it takes someone who came from outside to truly understand just how great this country is. Even as Joe Biden seeks to tear down the United States of America, as he tries to cast all his political opponents as evil, as he claims that one of our great political parties wants to end the American promise, wonderful immigrants are still coming to America for the better life this country offers.

Let’s hope this man, not Biden’s strident hatred, is the real sign of the future. And let us, as Americans, join him in his celebration of MAGA Republicans everywhere.


This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

UPDATE, Sept. 5, 2022: This post has been updated to include Alma Ohene-Opare’s name as well as a report of his appearance Sunday on “Fox & Friends Weekend.”

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