
Former White House Adviser: Biden Admin Is Running the 'Epicenter' of Child Trafficking


It’s obvious: Open borders are bad for the American people. Under President Joe Biden, many illegal immigrants take jobs from Americans and receive taxpayer-funded benefits.

But that’s not all. Often unreported is the fact that illegal immigration is actually harmful to the illegal immigrants themselves. Open border policies incentivize the human trafficking of migrants.

This is no different under the Biden administration. In fact, according to one former White House advisor on Monday, Biden is currently running the “world’s epicenter” of child trafficking.

Former Trump admin senior policy advisor, Stephen Miller, revealed as much during an interview with the Washington Examiner.

“Joe Biden’s decision to resettle all unaccompanied illegal minors from beyond Mexico in the United States, and to place them with unvetted adult sponsors, makes him and his party in Congress responsible for the largest child smuggling epidemic in human history,” Miller told the Examiner.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

“It has enriched virtually every major child smuggler in the hemisphere and far beyond. It has filled the ranks of MS-13. It has created a monstrous industry of vast global reach. And it has made America’s border into the world’s epicenter of labor trafficking, sex trafficking and modern-day slavery.”

You don’t have to reach too far back into the news to find an example of such horrors.

A “family” of three Guatemalan nationals and siblings was recently charged with kidnapping, forced labor and conspiracy for coercing two minors, according to an Aug. 18 DOJ news release.

Between December 2015 and March 2021, the group utilized a “family loophole” in the American immigration system to bring two young girls into the United States.


This was already a problem before the Biden administration. Now that Biden has opened up the border, it has become almost impossible to solve.

According to the Washington Times, one young girl brought over the border as a 10-year-old by the recently charged family was “raped repeatedly, stabbed with a kitchen knife and subjected to regular beatings.”

Jessica Vaughan, the police studies director at the CIS, placed the blame for the girl’s abuse at the feet of the Biden administration.

“This case is truly sickening. But it’s also terribly frustrating because the federal government is fully aware of the potential for such awful things to be done to young kids under the current system, but refuses to put in place policies to prevent it,” Vaughan said.

She even went as far as to suggest Biden’s Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is an accomplice in all of this.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

“In fact, [Mayorkas] is an accomplice to this kind of trafficking and abuse because he has implemented the policies that enable it. It shouldn’t take a rape and miscarriage to discover this abuse,” Vaughan said.

Until Biden does something to prevent illegal immigrants from crossing over the border, more young migrants will likely be beaten, raped and forced to work against their will.

How odd that, despite constantly referencing the historical evils committed against blacks in this country, Joe Biden doesn’t seem particularly concerned with modern-day slavery making a comeback under his leadership.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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