
PETA Finally Gets It Right: You'll Find It Hard Not to Agree with Its Send-Off Message to Fauci


Animal rights organization PETA is often the target of mockery from conservatives because of its radical stances. But there is one thing conservatives and PETA activists do agree on: their disapproval of Dr. Anthony Fauci.

On Monday, Facui announced he would step down as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, as well as from two other positions, in December.

In a tweet later the same day, PETA celebrated Fauci’s announcement.

“Can’t say we’ll miss you, Fauci!” the organization wrote.

“BYE. After we pressured and protested him relentlessly for YEARS — like the time we made a mural of his face from photos of dogs, monkeys, and other animals trapped in labs — the [NIAID] dinosaur is resigning early.”

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Among Fauci’s mountain of failures are accusations that he oversaw cruel experiments on animals.

In an October report, the White Coat Waste Project accused Fauci’s NIAID of spending a combined $800,000 to perform “painful and deadly experiments” on beagles.

“In the tests, 44 beagle puppies who were just 6-8 months old were repeatedly injected with or force-fed an experimental drug for weeks, and then killed and dissected,” WCW alleged.


The Washington Free Beacon also accused Fauci of performing inhumane tests on monkeys.

“The NIAID began running HIV vaccine tests on monkeys a year after Fauci took charge,” the Free Beacon reported in January. “Each year, the department acquires 400 to 600 rhesus monkeys from a South Carolina island leased by Charles River Laboratories, which has a $27.5 million contract with the NIAID.”

While PETA’s campaigns against Thanksgiving or the word “bullpen” may be hard to support, we can all agree that Fauci’s alleged animal torture was disgusting.

Fauci had previously said he planned to retire at the end of President Joe Biden’s term, but his Monday announcement signaled an even earlier end to his current roles.

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Given Fauci’s less-than-stellar record, America will be better off when he is no longer in a position of power.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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