
Cruz Forces FBI Dir to Admit Same Agent Who Oversaw Whitmer Kidnap Plot Investigation Now in Charge of DC Office


FBI Director Christopher Wray confirmed on Thursday to GOP Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas that the same agent in charge of the Detroit field office during the investigation into an alleged plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer now oversees the Washington, D.C., office.

The D.C. office is investigating those involved in the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol incursion.

Cruz pointed out to Wray, who was appearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, that the Michigan case “ended up an absolute debacle.”

“The four people who went to trial, two of them were acquitted, two received mistrials. None of them were convicted on even a single charge, and the basis of the defense was entrapment. That the FBI, that paid informants for the FBI had suggested and had incited the conduct,” Cruz said.

“Let me ask you — how many FBI agents were reprimanded after that disastrous case and the misconduct that led to every defendant being acquitted or having a mistrial on every charge?” the senator asked.

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Wray responded that he could not comment and that the mistrial case will be retried, as he understood it.

Cruz followed up asking if the special agent in charge of the Whitmer case is now leading the investigation regarding Jan. 6.

“That doesn’t sound right to me,” Wray first answered.


Cruz then named the man as Steven D’Antuono, prompting Wray to confirm the agent’s past and current positions.

“Mr. D’Antuono was the special agent in charge of the office, the Detroit field office, that is now the assistant director in charge of the Washington field office,” Wray said.

“So the guy in charge [in Detroit] got promoted and is now the guy in charge of the Jan. 6 investigation?” Cruz questioned.

Wray replied, “The guy in charge of the whole Detroit field office is now in charge of the whole Washington field office.”

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Julie Kelly, with American Greatness, reported in April that Daniel Harris and Brandon Caserta of Michigan were found not guilty of conspiring to kidnap Whitmer.

And jurors could not reach a verdict for Adam Fox, the alleged ringleader, and Barry Croft Jr., resulting in a mistrial for them.

“Defense attorneys had argued — successfully, it would appear — that their clients were entrapped by the FBI; at least a dozen FBI confidential human sources and undercover agents working out of numerous FBI field offices were deeply embedded in the plot,” Kelly wrote.

The Detroit Free Press reported in October 2020 that six members of the Wolverine Watchman were charged with federal kidnapping offenses.

At the time, Whitmer accused then-President Donald Trump of being “complicit” because he had not denounced right-wing hate groups.

Days after the charges were filed in Michigan, the FBI announced that D’Antuono was being promoted to assistant director in charge of the Washington, D.C., field office.

A week after the Jan. 6 incursion D’Antuono said to the protesters, “Even if you’ve left D.C., agents from our local field offices will be knocking on your door if we find out that you were part of the criminal activity at the Capitol.”

In January of this year, Cruz questioned FBI Assistant Executive Director Jill Sanborn concerning what role bureau informants may have played on Jan. 6. In other words, he was wanting to know if FBI informants played an active role in the events surrounding Jan. 6, as they allegedly had in the Whitmer plot.

“How many FBI agents or confidential informants actively participated in the events of Jan. 6?” Cruz asked.

“Sir, I’m sure you can appreciate that I can’t go into the specifics of sources and methods,” Sanborn answered.

Cruz then asked the broader question, “Did any FBI agents or confidential informants actively participate in the events of Jan. 6? Yes or no.”

“Sir, I can’t answer that,” replied Sanborn.

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